Lot 6401 - W242 Paintings (West) - Wednesday, 17. September 2014, 04.00 PM
ABBIATI, FRANCESCO (1643 Milan 1715) Portrait of a gentleman. Circa 1670. Oil on canvas. 129 x 94 cm. Provenance: - Riedmann collection(label verso). - Swiss private collection.
(1643 Mailand 1715)
Porträt eines Herren. Um 1670.
Öl auf Leinwand.
129 x 94 cm.
Provenienz: - Sammlung Riedmann (verso Etikette). - Schweizer Privatsammlung.
CHF 5 000 / 7 000 | (€ 5 150 / 7 220)
Sold for CHF 4 270 (including buyer’s premium)
All information is subject to change.