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Lotto 3208 - A184 Dipinti del XIX secolo - venerdì, 23. marzo 2018, 17h00


(Bergen 1788–1857 Dresden)
Gebirgslandschaft mit Wasserfall, Burganlage und Reisendem zu Pferd vor einer Hütte. 1816.
Oil on canvas.
Signed and dated lower centre.: Dahl 1816.
60.8 × 85.5 cm.

- Commissioned directly from the artist, Waineche Collection, Copenhagen.
- Auction ABR, Copenhagen, 1949, Lot 7.
- Auction ABR, Copenhagen, 1957, Lot 82.
- A. Gebhardt Collection, Munich, from 1971.
- Swiss Private Collection.

- Lødrup Bang, Marie: Johan Christian Dahl 1788–1857. Life and Works, Oslo 1987, Vol. 2, No. 96, p. 60f, and Vol. 3, p. 97.

Johan Christian Dahl enthusiastically described the present painting in a letter to the archaeologist C. J. Thomsen in August 1816 (Lødrup Bang 1987, ibid., p. 61): "It is almost finished and makes a striking effect. I am so pleased with it that I would like to live in this invincible castle like a little knight. This landscape is bright and gay on the whole.”

CHF 25 000 / 35 000 | (€ 25 770 / 36 080)

Venduto per CHF 72 500 (incl. premio)
Non garantisce la correttezza di queste informazioni.