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Lotto 3426 - A189 Postwar e contemporary art - sabato, 29. giugno 2019, 14h00


(Bern 1934–lives and works i.a. in Bern)
Nachdenken. 1992.
Gouache, charcol and earth on etching on wove paper.
Signed, dated, titled, described as well as with the location lower centre: Überarbeitete Kaltnadel das fragile Gleichgewicht von Erde und Dreck St. Romain 92 Rolf Iseli nachdenken. Titled, dated and described on the backing board on the reverse of the frame: nachdenken 92 Optikglas nicht abkleben.
79 x 53.5 cm.

- Galerie Jan Krugier, Geneva (with the lable on the reverse).
- Purchased at the above from the present owner, since then private collection Switzerland.

CHF 4 000 / 6 000 | (€ 4 120 / 6 190)

Venduto per CHF 8 125 (incl. premio)
Non garantisce la correttezza di queste informazioni.