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Lotto 3213 - A195 Impressionismo e arte moderna - venerdì, 04. dicembre 2020, 16h00


(Fontenay-aux-Roses 1867–1947 Le Cannet)
Marine dans un port du midi.
Watercolour and pencil on paper.
Lower left with the signature stamp: Bonnard.
25.3 × 32.5 cm.

The authenticity of the work has been confirmed by Guy-Patrice and Floriane Dauberville.

- Auction Piasa Hôtel Drouot, Paris, 21 June 2001, lot 19.
- Georges Bemberg collection, acquired at the above auction.
- Auction Sotheby's, Paris, 3 June 2015, lot 95.
- Swiss private collection, acquired at the above auction.

Gilles Genty and Pierre Vernon: Bonnard Inédits, Paris 2003, p. 173, no. 459.

CHF 50 000 / 70 000 | (€ 51 550 / 72 160)

Venduto per CHF 57 640 (incl. premio)
Non garantisce la correttezza di queste informazioni.