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Lotto 1218 - A194 Porcellane della tenuta di Rosmarie Schmidt-Ducret - giovedì, 24. settembre 2020, 14h00


Meissen, ca. 1710-15. Model by Johann Jacob Irminger.
Square, with convex sides, slightly polished, and with incised decorations featuring pagodas, pilasters with busts, medallions and foliage and band motifs in the style von Jean Berain (1637-1711). No mark.
H 8 cm (without lid).

SALE ROOM NOTICE: tip of spout with restoration, small rim chips

Lid a replacement

After the death of Johann Joachim Böttger in 1719, a complete inventory was drawn up with his written legacy, cash assets and debts as well as the manufactory inventories of almost 1,500 items. Of the "square" stoneware tea pots, a total of 27 pieces with various surface finishes are listed (C.Boltz, Steinzeug und Porzellan der Böttgerperiode, Keramos 167/168, 2000, pp. 112 and 124).

CHF 4 000 / 6 000 | (€ 4 120 / 6 190)

Venduto per CHF 21 650 (incl. premio)
Non garantisce la correttezza di queste informazioni.