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Lotto 448* - A167AS Arte orientale: Giappone, India, Sud-Est asiatico - mercoledì, 30. ottobre 2013, 11h30

A WOODCUT PRINT BY KITAGAWA UTAMARO (1750-1806). Nagaban. From the series "Ukiyo sanseki": "Kyodai no yusuzu" (Siblings enjoying the evening cool). Signed: Utamaro hitsu. Circa 1800. Publisher: Eiyudo. Kiwame seal.

Aus der Serie "Ukiyo sanseki", Blatt "Kyodai no yusuzu"(Geschwister geniessen die Abendkühle). Signiert: Utamaro hitsu. Um 1800. Verleger: Eiyudo. Kiwame-Siegel.

CHF 7 000 / 9 000 | (€ 7 220 / 9 280)

Venduto per CHF 7 800 (incl. premio)
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