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拍品 3494* - A181 战后和当代 - Samstag, 01. Juli 2017, 01.30 PM


(Milan 1953–lives and works in Milan)
Remoto. 2000.
Oil on canvas.
Titled, signed and dated on the reverse : REMOTO Iacchetti 2000.
200 x 150 cm.

- Galerie Carzaniga & Ueker, Basel (verso with the label).
- Purchased from the above by the present owner, since then Swiss Corporate Art collection.

Born in 1953, Paolo Iacchetti first completed his studies in chemistry before turning to a career in art. At the Brera art academy in Milan he studied painting and was later appointed professor of painting technique, colour and the psychology of form. The examination of these thematic complexities is clearly reflected in Paolo Iacchetti’s artistic approach: from a distance his works at first appear as monochromes, but are surprisingly multi-layered when seen in detail. This effect arises from the overlay of various layers of paint and the way in which the paint itself is applied, sometimes lively and intuitive and sometimes rectilinear and minimalist.

Paolo Iacchetti thereby creates atmospherically charged colour surfaces which are capable of being both energetic and contemplative, which is why he himself feels that the Italian concept of “Indeterminatezza” - indeterminacy - is a fitting term for his work.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

以瑞士法郎銷售 CHF 2 000 (包含買家佣金)