Scopra l'attuale KOLLERview
• Historically informed: Manolo Valdés
• Encounters: Amiet and Hodler
• In his own world: Louis Soutter
• Women in an explosion of colour
• Colour to light, light to colour
Transition style, Paris circa 1870
Stima: CHF 10 000 / 15 000
Asta: 21 marzo 2024
Prima del regno di Luigi Filippo (governato dal 1830 al 1848), la conoscenza della storia dell'arredamento era al massimo sommaria. Per tutto il XVIII e l'inizio del XIX secolo, la moda regnava e i mobili che passavano di moda venivano messi via o regalati per fare spazio all'ultima tendenza. Era impensabile arredare una casa elegante con pezzi di un'epoca precedente, proprio come sarebbe stato impensabile vestirsi secondo lo stile di una moda precedente.
Quando Luigi Filippo salì al trono, fece dei piani per restaurare e riarredare i castelli di Francia che erano stati svuotati durante la rivoluzione. Questo non era dovuto esclusivamente al patriottismo o all'amore per la storia: aveva anche un'agenda personale.
San Giorgio che uccide il drago
Olio su rame, 14,7 × 21,2 cm
Stima: CHF 300 000 / 500 000
Asta: 22 marzo 2024
La nostra asta Dipinti Antichi di marzo presenta un numero significativo di dipinti di piccolo formato su rame. Durante il periodo rinascimentale e barocco, la maggior parte degli artisti utilizzava tele o pannelli di legno. A partire dalla seconda metà del XVI secolo, tuttavia, un numero crescente di artisti iniziò a dipingere su rame, per ragioni legate alla praticità, all'effetto e ai gusti dell'epoca.
(Haarlem circa 1589–um 1640 L'Aia)
Un sentiero nella foresta. 1618–20.
Olio su tela applicata su pannello. 16 × 22,4 cm.
Stima: CHF 350 000 / 500 000
Asta il 22 marzo 2024
Questo paesaggio rappresenta un'importante aggiunta ai pochissimi dipinti a olio conosciuti di Hercules Segers, un importante artista olandese del Secolo d'Oro. Nonostante il fatto che un certo numero di dipinti forestali di Segers siano citati in fonti antiche, questa rappresentazione di un tortuoso sentiero forestale è l'unico esempio superstite di questo genere.
Documentato in diversi inventari precedenti, la sua recente riscoperta in una collezione privata norvegese è il risultato di un lavoro investigativo storico-artistico e di circostanze fortunate.
In questo numero
• Small format, long history
• Of strengths and weaknesses
• French furniture art
• For private devotion
• Genevan & Parisian chic
• Insights into the correspondence of Sigmund Freud
• Behind the scenes: Swiss Art
Un'altra stagione di aste di successo, emozionante e variegata, si è conclusa. I campi classici del collezionismo che offriamo da decenni, come i dipinti antichi di grandi maestri e l'arte svizzera, oltre all'arte moderna e contemporanea, hanno ottenuto buoni risultati. Nel corso del 2023, abbiamo avuto il privilegio di gestire diverse collezioni private di alto livello, tra cui la Collezione Legrain, comprendente sculture, oggetti di pregio e reperti dell'antichità greco-romana ed egizia.
Le nostre aste continuano a concentrarsi su belle arti, gioielli, orologi da polso, arti decorative e arte asiatica, che costituiscono una parte integrante del nostro programma di aste da molti anni. Allo stesso tempo, le nuove categorie hanno suscitato grande interesse, specialmente tra i collezionisti di arte tradizionale. Nelle nostre nuove aste "Out of This World", ad esempio, lo scorso anno abbiamo venduto i fossili di due dei dinosauri più iconici: un Tyrannosaurus rex e un giovane Triceratopo.
Nelle pagine seguenti, troverai alcuni dei momenti salienti dell'anno passato; le immagini e i risultati parlano da soli. Ulteriori informazioni sulle nostre aste passate e future sono disponibili sul nostro sito web.
Desideriamo ringraziarla per aver continuato a riporre la sua fiducia in noi anche nel 2023 e le auguriamo felicità e buona salute per il nuovo anno.
Sauriermuseum Aathal, Zürichstrasse 69,
8607 Aathal, Svizzera
Tel. +41 44 932 14 18, dino@sauriermuseum.ch
TRX-293 TRINITY, lo scheletro di Tyrannosaurus rex famoso in tutto il mondo che la Fondazione Phoebus ha acquistato alle Aste Koller nell'aprile 2023, sarà esposto al Museo dei Dinosauri di Aathal, in Svizzera, per un anno a partire dal 23 gennaio 2024.
Ci vorranno diversi anni prima che la sede permanente di Trinity – un grattacielo Art Déco nel cuore di Anversa che la Fondazione Phoebus sta trasformando in un centro artistico internazionale progettato dal famoso architetto Daniel Libeskind – sia pronta ad ospitare il gigantesco fossile. Nel frattempo, la Fondazione Phoebus ha voluto che Trinity fosse disponibile per il pubblico e per la ricerca scientifica, e il Museo dei Dinosauri sarà il primo museo ad esporre Trinity durante questo periodo, grazie all'iniziativa e alla mediazione di Koller Auctions e “Wunderkammer” di Christian Link.
Dopo aver incantato decine di migliaia di visitatori durante la mostra pre-asta organizzata da Koller e Wunderkammer presso la sala concerti Tonhalle di Zurigo la scorsa primavera, Trinity sarà presto la star del museo Aathal a partire da fine gennaio 2024, per circa un anno. Il team del Museo dei Dinosauri è stato responsabile della costruzione di Trinity per la mostra alla Tonhalle, e ha messo a disposizione la propria esperienza tecnica durante il processo di catalogazione.
“Siamo entusiasti di dare il benvenuto a Trinity nel nostro museo e di permettere al pubblico e alla comunità scientifica di trascorrere del tempo con questo magnifico esemplare”, ha dichiarato il dottor Hans-Jakob Siber, fondatore e direttore del Museo dei Dinosauri. “Abbiamo già trascorso così tanto tempo con questo dinosauro che, in un certo senso, è come dare il bentornato a un vecchio amico”.
La dottoressa Katharina Van Cauteren, Capo del personale della Cancelleria della Fondazione Phoebus, ha dichiarato: “Siamo lieti di collaborare con il Museo dei Dinosauri. Trinity sarà esposto qui tra molti altri impressionanti dinosauri, offrendo al pubblico un'opportunità unica di vedere il T. rex nel suo contesto. Allo stesso tempo, si sta svolgendo una ricerca scientifica che ci permetterà di imparare ancora di più sul ritrovamento. Naturalmente, condivideremo queste nuove informazioni con il pubblico man mano che il progetto progredirà. Questo è l'inizio di una nuova entusiasmante vita per questo antico scheletro”.
In this issue
• Parallel Worlds
• At the limits of perception
• In the garden of dreams
• The painter who caught the sun
• Gemstones in a riot of colour
• Fountain Pen Fascination
• Eleven-headed compassion
A thousand grains of sand – Joseph Werner’s 'Apollo and the Cumaean Sibyl'
Apollo and the Cumaean Sibyl
Oil on copper. 18.5 × 13.4 cm.
Estimate: CHF 30 000 / 50 000
Auction: 23 September 2023
Click on the image for further information
This charming small-format painting depicts a scene not often represented in art: Apollo and the Cumaean Sibyl. The Sibyls were women with a special gift for predicting the future, associated with various temples in the ancient world. The Cumaean Sibyl’s temple was that of Apollo, near Naples. Ovid, in his ‘Metamorphoses’, recounts how the god himself approached her, desiring to take her virginity, in exchange for which he would grant her any wish.
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The latest issue of KOLLERview is online.
• Gold, frankincense and myrrh
• Paintings from a golden age
• A stroll through the ages
• Tradition and incipient modernity
• Multifaceted Brazil
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In this edition:
• Per Kirkeby: painting as a process
• Feminine perspectives
• A riot of colour and Alpine light
• Emil Nolde, watercolourist
• Precious craftsmanship
• Privately collected: from Baroque to Design
• Trinity: unique journey, happy ending
After a pause of three years due to the pandemic, Koller's Asian Art department was able to once again exhibit highlights from the upcoming June auctions at the prestigious International Fine Arts Fair (IAF) in Hong Kong from 27 to 30 May 2023.
The fair was particularly well-visited this year, and large numbers of collectors were present at Koller's exhibition space during the preview as well as the fair's four-day run.
The excellent turnout and reactions from the public bode well for the June Asian Art auctions as well as for Koller's continued presence in East Asia.
Asian Art auction catalogues
The buyer of Trinity, the Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton sold for CHF 5.5 million ($6 million) at Koller Auctions in Zurich on 18 April, is The Phoebus Foundation, a non-profit art foundation. Phoebus has announced their intention to show Trinity to the public in their ‘Boerentoren’ cultural centre project in Antwerp, designed by Daniel Libeskind.
The Boerentoren (literally translated as ‘Farmer’s Tower’, a nickname that stuck) was the first skyscraper in Europe, completed in 1931. In 2021, the tower, originally constructed as an office building with apartments, was purchased by The Phoebus Foundation, which will turn it into a public space in a few years. The entire building will be dedicated to culture, with extensive space for temporary and long-term exhibitions, a sculpture garden and a panoramic viewpoint, as well as numerous culinary experiences. Daniel Libeskind is currently working on the final designs to convert what remains of the original art deco building into a truly unique architectural landmark. The addition of Trinity to the collection of The Phoebus Foundation will only add to the Boerentoren’s appeal.
Trinity already enchanted approximately 35 000 visitors during a three-week exhibition at the Tonhalle concert hall in Zurich, and has been featured in countless press articles, television and radio broadcasts and blogs worldwide.
Read more
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In this issue:
• Cranach: Innovator in turbulent times
• Sense and Sensuality
• A passion for white gold
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In this issue:
• Important Swiss art
• Colorful love bird
• Kupka's early abstraction
• The nude between reality and ideal
• Sound of bells at the imperial court
• The unrestricted view of Old Masters
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In this issue:
• Angelika Kauffmann: self-portrait and allegory
• Cultural transfer across the Alps
• King of the skies
• Lewis's journey to the Orient
• A Geneva Town House: The Fatio Collection
• Contemporary art: a state of constant renewal
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In this issue:
• Digital Light, Real Landscapes
• Warhol’s cat with character
• Abstract Colour Tone
• In the echo chamber of Cubism
• Landscape in Parallels
• Spectacular time travel
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In this issue:
• Brothers Brueghel
• The art of marquetry
• The many roles of drawings
• A family affair
• Out of This World
Looking back over the past twelve months, we’d like to express our gratitude to all of you who participated in this exceptionally successful year of auctions. Over 80% of the lots offered found buyers, across all categories and price segments, with prices often exceeding expectations – in fact, the percentage sold by value attained the remarkable score of 150% of the lower estimates, and several new auction records were set.
If you are considering selling part or all of your collection, we are convinced that now is the right time. With our extensive and constantly developing international network, we can present your works of art to a worldwide audience.
In the following pages (click the link below) we present some of the highlights that passed through our hands in the past year. The works shown are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’: in 2021 we auctioned more than 9,000 lots from 20 distinct collecting categories, and they found new owners in over 65 countries worldwide.
We would be pleased to value your works of art and advise you with regard to our upcoming auctions. We look forward to hearing from you.
December Auctions 2021
Post-sale report December Auctions 2021
ZDENEK SYKORA, Lines no. 12. 1981.
Oil and pencil on canvas. 170 × 170 cm.
Sold for CHF 1.03 million
Hammer prices total 150% of estimates, across all categoriesKoller’s end-of-year auctions were characterised by extremely active bidding in every collecting category, with total hammer prices realising 150% of the lower estimates – a sign of a very healthy auction market, and a fitting end to an exceptionally successful year for the Zurich auction house.
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In this issue:
• Early abstractions
• The interplay between intent and chance
• Shapes and colours from nature
• Hodler on the water, Anker in Ins
• Clean ears for the truth
VICTOR VASARELY, Karpat. 1984.
Acrylic on canvas. 84 × 84 cm.
Sold for CHF 116 000 in December 2021
Click on the image for more details.
Instead of choosing between painting or sculpture, some post-war artists decided to push the boundaries between the two, creating two-dimensional works which also explore the possibilities offered by sculpture. Victor Vasarely spent much of his career experimenting with carefully crafted, illusionistic effects which made the motif shimmer, spin, or appear to extend from the canvas into the viewer’s space, as in his 1984 work, ‘Karpat’. As with sculpture, a key element in Vasarely’s work is that the perception of the artwork changes with the spectator’s point of view. Jesús Rafael Soto utilised a similar concept in his work ‘Vibrations’, 1967, in which the lines screenprinted onto a plastic sheet appear to float in front of a striped and seemingly vibrating background.
MAURICE DENIS, Bacchanale, esquisse 3. 1920.
Oil on board. 36,7 × 55,8 cm.
Sold for CHF 40 000 in December 2021
Click on the image for more details.
When Maurice Denis painted ‘La Bacchanale du Tigre Royal’ in 1920, he was at a pivotal moment in his personal and professional life. His beloved wife for 26 years, Marthe, had passed away the previous year. His artistic career was also taking a new direction. Denis’ work after the First World War was dominated by mural painting. A devout Catholic, he co-founded the Ateliers de l’Art Sacré in 1919 to promote Christian art, training artists and craftsmen with this goal in mind. The group mainly executed murals and stained glass for churches, many of which had been damaged during the war. Already in 1916, Denis had set his sights the ‘supreme goal of painting, which is the large-scale decorative mural’. By the end of his life he had executed twenty murals and numerous large-format canvasses, including ‘La Bacchanale’.
September Auctions 2021
Frederick II's elephant, depicted in an imperial procession in Cremona in 1237. (Matthew Paris, 'Cronica Maiora', Part II, Parker Library, MS 16, fol. 151V).
Click on the image for more details.
Collecting exotic and domestic animals for display was a pastime and a symbol of prestige and power for European monarchs for centuries.
Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II exchanged a series of rare beasts with Al-Malik al-Kamil, sultan of Egypt, in the early 13th century. Al-Kamil sent an elephant to Frederick, as well as a white cockatoo from Australasia – a region that was completely unknown to the Western world at that time, so the bird would have been exceedingly rare. In return, Frederick’s gifts to the Sultan included horses with gem-incrusted golden stirrups, a white peacock, and a white bear.
JEAN-BAPTISTE GREUZE, Portrait of a child, probably Prince Octavius of Great Britain.
Oil on panel. 17,5 cm × 14,5 cm.
Sold for CHF 49 0000
Click on the image for more details.
Determining the identity of the sitter in a portrait often involves what resembles detective work – clues are gathered, inferences made, and sometimes a likely identification can be made. In the case of the little boy depicted by Jean-Baptiste Greuze offered here, we do have two clues.
The first is a label which was originally on the back of the panel, inscribed ‘Eigenthum Ihrer Majestät der Königin Mathilde von Württemberg’ (Property of Her Majesty Queen Mathilde of Württemberg). Charlotte Mathilde was the eldest daughter of King George III of Britain and his queen consort, Charlotte. The fact that this painting was in Charlotte Mathilde’s possession means that she not only took it with her when she married Frederick, future king of Württemberg when she was 33 years old, but also to Ludwigsburg Palace near Stuttgart when she settled there as dowager queen after Frederick’s death. To have kept this small portrait among her personal property during her entire life, the sitter must have meant a great deal to her.
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In this issue:
• Top 10 from our summer auctions
• A family influences an era
• Rembrandt: a genius on the brink
• Preview of our autumn auctions
July Auctions 2021
Post-sale report July Auctions 2021
Modern, Contemporary & Swiss Art, Jewellery, Watches
With over 1 000 bidders from 48 countries worldwide, Koller’s June/July auction series were a resounding success across all categories, with each department registering hammer prices well over the pre-sale estimates. World auction records were set for prints by Warhol, Lichtenstein, Alberto Giacometti, as well as for an oil painting by Ukrainian artist Abraham Manievich.
Preview in Zurich
Preview December Auctions in Zurich
25–29 November, 10am-6pm (Monday 10am-4pm)
Auctions: 30 November–3 December 2021
Hardturmstrasse 102, 8031 Zurich
An extremely rare and large gold enamel pocket watch
Lot 2824 - An extremely rare and large gold enamel pocket watch
Veigneur Frères, with 1/4-repeater and automaton, for the Chinese market, ca. 1790.
Sold for CHF 12 500
A painting from the "Golden Age"
Old Master paintings specialist Karoline Weser presents a landscape by one of the most important artists of the Golden Age of Dutch painting, Salomon van Ruysdael.
Heavenly wonder
The minute workings of this fascinating astronomical clock are revealed by Furniture & Decorative Arts specialist Stephan Koller.
Eine seltene, ausdrucksstarke Figur einer tantrische Gottheit
Regi Preiswerk, Expertin für asiatische Kunst bei Koller, präsentiert eine bedeutende Tempelfigur aus der Kangxi-Periode. Erfahren Sie mehr über diese schrecklich anmutende Figur und ihre überhaupt nicht schreckliche Bedeutung im tantrischen Buddhismus.
Lot ansehen
“Wäre ich nicht Maler geworden, wäre ich Gärtner geworden”
Silke Stahlschmidt, Leiterin der Abteilung PostWar & Contemporary, präsentiert das faszinierende Gemälde “Very low sun box” von 1964/65 des Abstrakten Expressionisten Theodoros Stamos. Sie erklärt wie Stamos durch das gekonnte Zusammenspiel von Farbe und Komposition, ein Bild erschafft, dass ungeheure Kraft ausstrahlt.
Lot ansehen
Ein bedeutendes kaiserliches Objekt aus China unter dem Hammer
Die beeindruckend geschnitzte Palastwand wurde Recherchen zu Folge sehr wahrscheinlich für die Räumlichkeiten der Kaiserwitwe Cixi (1835–1908) angefertigt. Die beidseitig kunstvoll durchbrochene Wand ist ein charakteristisches Beispiel für die Innenausstattung der kaiserlichen Paläste der Qing-Zeit. Aus Peking sind zwei weitere vergleichbare Objekte mit oktogonaler Türöffnung bekannt: ein Raumteiler befand sich im Yiluandian Palast, wurde aber 1901 bei einem Brand vollständig zerstört. Die zweite Wand befindet sich in einem Wohngebäude im westlichen Teil der Verbotenen Stadt. Bei der hier ange botenen Trennwand handelte es sich um das einzige je auf dem weltweiten Kunstmarkt angebotene Kunstwerk dieser Art. Für 940’000 Franken gelangte es nun in asiatischen Besitz.ARTMYN
ARTMYN, ein Startup aus EPFL/LCAV, bietet eine bahnbrechende Lösung für die präzise Digitalisierung von Kunstwerken mit interaktivem Rendering auf mobilen Geräten, zugänglich über einen einfachen Webbrowser. Ein einzigartiger tragbarer Scanner erfasst Gigabytes von Daten, welche die Kunstwerke in seinen feinsten Details beschreiben und zusammen mit proprietären Webtechnologien einer True-to-Life-Visualisierung resultiert. Diese völlig neue Erfahrung ermöglicht es den Benutzern, sich auf eine emotionale Reise zu begeben, auf welcher die digitalen Kopien geradezu in realistischer Weise betrachtet werden können, ganz so als halte man die Originale in den eigenen Händen.
Entdecken Sie diese neue Technologie hier