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Lotto 560 - A208 Libri e autografi - mercoledì, 20. marzo 2024, 14h00

Jung, Carl Gustav (1875–1961).

Collection of 26 autograph and 3 typescript letters and a postcard to Alphonse Maeder. Also 9 sheets with letter drafts from Maeder to Jung and carbon copies of 2 typescript letters from Maeder to Jung.

Important bundle from the formation phase of the Zurich school of psychoanalysis. Jung writes the first letter from the barracks in St. Gallen on 28 October 1911, apologising for his late reply "as I was detached for a very rigorous mountain exercise". The rest of the following letters trace his break with Freud and the Vienna School: "Freud's letter is typical in every respect. He has completely terminated my friendship and personal relationship" (14.1.13). "Deuticke is on our side and wants to throw Freud out in order to continue the Yearbook with Bleuler and me." (postcard with postmark 7.11.13).
On 11 November the situation has already changed again: "Received a letter from Deuticke in which he suddenly changed his mind. Freud has offered him a new editorship. D. promised me to publish the work of the Zurich School separately, or rather he asked me whether I would like to place a special organ of the Zurich School with him." [...] If Freud is as happy with the yearbook as I am without it, then he must be having a good time now."
The next professional exchange begins in 1915: "Your suggestion to rename the types should be accepted. I suggest calling them Empathy and Abstraction types" (4.12.15). - Each piece perforated, some with small traces of storage, overall in good condition.

CHF 20 000 / 30 000 | (€ 20 620 / 30 930)

Venduto per CHF 100 000 (incl. premio dell'acquirente)
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