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Lotto 3216 - Z40 Impressionismo e arte moderna - venerdì, 24. giugno 2016, 14h00


(1871 New York 1956)
Street in Weimar. 1906.
Pencil on paper.
Dated lower right: Sonnt 29 Apr 06.
9.9 x 15.4 cm.

The authenticity of this work has been confirmed by Achim Moeller from the Lyonel Feininger Project LLC, New York. With a certificate by Achim Moeller, New York, 9 September 2012. The work is registered in the Lyonel Feininger Archive with the number 1161-09-10-12.

- Artist's estate.
- Private collection, Switzerland.

CHF 3 000 / 5 000 | (€ 3 090 / 5 150)

Venduto per CHF 4 750 (incl. premio)
Non garantisce la correttezza di queste informazioni.