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Argenteria e porcellana

lunedì 15 settembre 2014, 14h00



IMPORTANT, LARGE 'MAJOLICA' PORCELAIN 'ISTORIATO' ALBARELLO , 'A QUARTIERI', Faenza, ca. 1540-1550. Cylindrical, slightly conical vessel with circumferential profiled rings on the top and on the bottom. The front with a scene from the Stations of the Cross, depicting Christ on his way to Golgotha. at the moment he stumbles and Saint Veronica hands him the sudarium (sweat-cloth) which already shows the features of Christ. The scene takes place in a crowd of Roman soldiers, with an antique cityscape in the background. Framed by a green laurel wreath with yellow fruit, on a background of tendril borders with grotesque figures in blue, yellow and green in the 'Quartieri' style. The top of the scene is adorned by an inscription accentuated in blue: 'ZUCCARUM BUGULOSATUM'. Remains of old provenance labels 'Collection Scalea'. H 48.5 cm, D 32 cm. Small repairs and some chipping of the glaze. Provenance: - Collezione dei Principi Lanza di Scalea, Palermo. - Private collection, Rome. 'Zuccarum buglosatum' means 'candied ox tongue' (Rudolf E.A. Drey, Apothecary Jars, 1978, page 238). This scene goes back to a series of woodcuts with depictions of the 'Passion of Christ' by Girolamo de Grandi from 1538, a copy of which must have been available to the artist in the majolica workshop, such as the one from the British Museum (see image). (Our special thanks goes to Dr. Stefanie Meier-Kreiskott for pointing out this example to us.) Both of these Albarelli are exceptional pieces of art and are part of a group of important large Albarelli 'istoriati' in the Faenza 'a quartieri' style. This type of decoration is typical for the Faenza workshops, and can be substantiated by two apothecary jars in the Louvre in Paris, signed 'FATE IN FAENZA' . (C. Ravanelli Guidotti, Thesaurus di opere della tradizione di Faenza, Faenza 1998, page 391). A comparable Albarello from this series, from Faenza, by Baldassare Manara, with a depiction of the Holy Family, formerly from the collection of M.P. Botkin in Petrograd, is presently in the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg (Inv.No. F 2133). (Ivanova E., Il secolo d'oro della maiolica. Ceramica italiana dei secoli XV-XVI dalla raccolta del Museo Statale dell' Ermitage, 2003, page 42 No.10). For further majolica porcelain attributed to Baldassare Manara, see Ravanelli Guidotti, Baldassare Manara faentino, pittore di maioliche nel Cinquecento, Ferrara, 1996, page 194. In 1999, Giuliana Gardelli attributed a group of majolica porcelain with a similar decoration to the workshops of Guido da Merlino and Guido Durantino from Urbino. (Italika, Maiolica Italiana del Rinascimento, 1999, pages 258-260, No. 111). CHF 90 000.- / 120 000.- € 75 000.- / 100 000.-

Faenza, um 1540-1550.
Zylindrische, leicht konische Form mit umlaufenden Profilringen am unteren und oberen Ende. Dargestellt eine Szene aus dem Kreuzweg Christi, auf seinem Weg nach Golgota, im Moment als er stürzt und ihm die Heilige Veronika das Schweisstuch reicht, das bereits die Geschichtszüge Christi zeigt. In einem Menschengetümmel von römischen Soldaten vor einem antiken Stadtprospekt. Umrahmt von einem grünen Lorbeerkranz, von gelben Früchten zusammengefasst und auf einem Hintergrund von lebhaften, horizontalen Blattrankenbordüren mit Grotesken in Blau, Gelb und Grün im 'Quartieri' Stil. Die Szene von einem weissen, blau gehöhten Schriftband bekrönt, betitelt 'ZUCCARUM BUGULOSATUM'. Reste von alten Provenienz-Etiketten 'Collection Scalea'. H 48,5 cm, D 32 cm. Kleine Reparaturen und Absplitterungen der Glasur.
IMPORTANT, LARGE 'MAJOLICA' PORCELAIN 'ISTORIATO' ALBARELLO ,  'A QUARTIERI', Faenza, ca. 1540-1550. Cylindrical, slightly conical vessel with circumferential profiled rings on the top and on the bottom. The front with a scene from the Stations of the Cross, depicting Christ on his way to Golgotha. at the moment he stumbles and Saint Veronica hands him the sudarium (sweat-cloth) which already shows the features of Christ. The scene takes place in a crowd of Roman soldiers, with an antique cityscape in the background. Framed by a green laurel wreath with yellow fruit, on a background of tendril borders with grotesque figures in blue, yellow and green in the 'Quartieri' style. The top of the scene is adorned by an inscription accentuated in blue: 'ZUCCARUM BUGULOSATUM'. Remains of old provenance labels 'Collection Scalea'. H 48.5 cm, D 32 cm. Small repairs and some chipping of the glaze. Provenance: - Collezione dei Principi Lanza di Scalea, Palermo. - Private collection, Rome. 'Zuccarum buglosatum' means 'candied ox tongue' (Rudolf E.A. Drey, Apothecary Jars, 1978, page 238). This scene goes back to a series of woodcuts with depictions of the 'Passion of Christ' by Girolamo de Grandi from 1538, a copy of which must have been available to the artist in the majolica workshop, such as the one from the British Museum (see image). (Our special thanks goes to Dr. Stefanie Meier-Kreiskott for pointing out this example to us.) Both of these Albarelli are exceptional pieces of art and are part of a group of important large Albarelli 'istoriati' in the Faenza  'a quartieri' style. This type of decoration is typical for the Faenza workshops, and can be substantiated by two apothecary jars in the Louvre in Paris, signed 'FATE IN FAENZA' . (C. Ravanelli Guidotti, Thesaurus di opere della tradizione di Faenza, Faenza 1998, page 391). A comparable Albarello from this series, from Faenza, by Baldassare Manara, with a depiction of the Holy Family, formerly from the collection of M.P. Botkin in Petrograd, is presently in the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg (Inv.No. F 2133). (Ivanova E., Il secolo d'oro della maiolica. Ceramica italiana dei secoli XV-XVI dalla raccolta del Museo Statale dell' Ermitage, 2003, page 42 No.10). For further majolica porcelain attributed to Baldassare Manara, see Ravanelli Guidotti, Baldassare Manara faentino, pittore di maioliche nel Cinquecento, Ferrara, 1996, page 194. In 1999, Giuliana Gardelli attributed a group of majolica porcelain with a similar decoration to the workshops of Guido da Merlino and Guido Durantino from Urbino. (Italika, Maiolica Italiana del Rinascimento, 1999, pages 258-260, No. 111). CHF 90 000.- / 120 000.- € 75 000.- / 100 000.-
IMPORTANT, LARGE 'MAJOLICA' PORCELAIN 'ISTORIATO' ALBARELLO , 'A QUARTIERI', Faenza, ca. 1540-1550. Cylindrical, slightly conical vessel with circumferential profiled rings on the top and on the bottom. The front with a scene from the Stations of the Cross, depicting Christ on his way to Golgotha. at the moment he stumbles and Saint Veronica hands him the sudarium (sweat-cloth) which already shows the features of Christ. The scene takes place in a crowd of Roman soldiers, with an antique cityscape in the background. Framed by a green laurel wreath with yellow fruit, on a background of tendril borders with grotesque figures in blue, yellow and green in the 'Quartieri' style. The top of the scene is adorned by an inscription accentuated in blue: 'ZUCCARUM BUGULOSATUM'. Remains of old provenance labels 'Collection Scalea'. H 48.5 cm, D 32 cm. Small repairs and some chipping of the glaze. Provenance: - Collezione dei Principi Lanza di Scalea, Palermo. - Private collection, Rome. 'Zuccarum buglosatum' means 'candied ox tongue' (Rudolf E.A. Drey, Apothecary Jars, 1978, page 238). This scene goes back to a series of woodcuts with depictions of the 'Passion of Christ' by Girolamo de Grandi from 1538, a copy of which must have been available to the artist in the majolica workshop, such as the one from the British Museum (see image). (Our special thanks goes to Dr. Stefanie Meier-Kreiskott for pointing out this example to us.) Both of these Albarelli are exceptional pieces of art and are part of a group of important large Albarelli 'istoriati' in the Faenza 'a quartieri' style. This type of decoration is typical for the Faenza workshops, and can be substantiated by two apothecary jars in the Louvre in Paris, signed 'FATE IN FAENZA' . (C. Ravanelli Guidotti, Thesaurus di opere della tradizione di Faenza, Faenza 1998, page 391). A comparable Albarello from this series, from Faenza, by Baldassare Manara, with a depiction of the Holy Family, formerly from the collection of M.P. Botkin in Petrograd, is presently in the Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg (Inv.No. F 2133). (Ivanova E., Il secolo d'oro della maiolica. Ceramica italiana dei secoli XV-XVI dalla raccolta del Museo Statale dell' Ermitage, 2003, page 42 No.10). For further majolica porcelain attributed to Baldassare Manara, see Ravanelli Guidotti, Baldassare Manara faentino, pittore di maioliche nel Cinquecento, Ferrara, 1996, page 194. In 1999, Giuliana Gardelli attributed a group of majolica porcelain with a similar decoration to the workshops of Guido da Merlino and Guido Durantino from Urbino. (Italika, Maiolica Italiana del Rinascimento, 1999, pages 258-260, No. 111). CHF 90 000.- / 120 000.- € 75 000.- / 100 000.-

Venduto per CHF 75 000

IMPORTANT, LARGE 'MAJOLICA' PORCELAIN 'ISTORIATO' ALBARELLO 'A QUARTIERI', Faenza, ca. 1540-1550. Cylindrical, slightly conical vessel with circumferential profiled rings on the top and bottom. The front with a scene depicting the Biblical Deluge, framed by a green laurel wreath with yellow fruit, on a background of tendril borders with grotesque figures in blue, yellow and green in the 'Quartieri' style. The top of the scene is adorned by an inscription accentuated in white and blue: 'ZUCCARUM MOLATUM'. Remains of old provenance labels 'Collection Scalea'. H 49 cm, D 33 cm. Small repairs and some chipping of the glaze. Provenance: - Collezione dei Principi Lanza di Scalea, Palermo. - Private collection, Rome. This highly dramatic scene depicts the climax of the Biblical Deluge. The left of the foreground features Noah's Ark with some desperate rejected people attempting to scale the side of the boat in the heart of the flood swallowing those remaining. For this scene, the painter obviously used a copper engraving attributed to Francesco Rosselli (Florence, 1448 -1513) from ca. 1470/90, presently in the British Museum. The main motif of this scene, i.e. the male figure dressed in a loincloth and scaling the Ark is probably the King of the Giants, Org, who apparently saved himself in this manner and was provided with food for months by Noah who took pity on him. For the most part, the painter of the 'albarello' adhered to the details of the copper engraving, and transferred them to the 'albarello'. (Martin Schawe, Sündflut, in: Aviso, Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Kultur in Bayern, 4/2013, pages 12-19). CHF 90 000.- / 120 000.- € 75 000.- / 100 000.-

Faenza, um 1540-1550.
Zylindrische, leicht konische Form mit umlaufenden Profilringen am unteren und oberen Rand. Darstellung der biblischen Sintflut, umrahmt von einem grünen Lorbeerkranz, von gelben Früchten zusammengefasst und auf einem Hintergrund von lebhaften, horizontalen Blattrankenbordüren mit Grotesken in Blau, Gelb und Grün im 'Quartieri' Stil. Die Szene bekrönt von einem weissen und blau gehöhten Schriftband 'ZUCCARUM MOLATUM'. Reste von alten Provenienz-Etiketten 'Collection Scalea'. H 49 cm, D 33 cm. Kleine Reparaturen und Absplitterungen der Glasur.
IMPORTANT, LARGE 'MAJOLICA' PORCELAIN 'ISTORIATO' ALBARELLO  'A QUARTIERI', Faenza, ca. 1540-1550. Cylindrical, slightly conical vessel with circumferential profiled rings on the top and bottom. The front with a scene depicting the Biblical Deluge, framed by a green laurel wreath with yellow fruit, on a background of tendril borders with grotesque figures in blue, yellow and green in the 'Quartieri' style. The top of the scene is adorned by an inscription accentuated in white and blue: 'ZUCCARUM MOLATUM'. Remains of old provenance labels 'Collection Scalea'. H 49 cm, D 33 cm. Small repairs and some chipping of the glaze. Provenance: - Collezione dei Principi Lanza di Scalea, Palermo. - Private collection, Rome. This highly dramatic scene depicts the climax of the Biblical Deluge. The left of the foreground features Noah's Ark with some desperate rejected people attempting to scale the side of the boat in the heart of the flood swallowing those remaining. For this scene, the painter obviously used a copper engraving attributed to Francesco Rosselli (Florence, 1448 -1513) from ca. 1470/90, presently in the British Museum. The main motif of this scene, i.e. the male figure dressed in a loincloth and scaling the Ark is probably the King of the Giants, Org, who apparently saved himself in this manner and was provided with food for months by Noah who took pity on him. For the most part, the painter of the 'albarello' adhered  to the details of the copper engraving, and transferred them to the 'albarello'. (Martin Schawe, Sündflut, in: Aviso, Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Kultur in Bayern, 4/2013, pages 12-19). CHF 90 000.- / 120 000.- € 75 000.- / 100 000.-
IMPORTANT, LARGE 'MAJOLICA' PORCELAIN 'ISTORIATO' ALBARELLO 'A QUARTIERI', Faenza, ca. 1540-1550. Cylindrical, slightly conical vessel with circumferential profiled rings on the top and bottom. The front with a scene depicting the Biblical Deluge, framed by a green laurel wreath with yellow fruit, on a background of tendril borders with grotesque figures in blue, yellow and green in the 'Quartieri' style. The top of the scene is adorned by an inscription accentuated in white and blue: 'ZUCCARUM MOLATUM'. Remains of old provenance labels 'Collection Scalea'. H 49 cm, D 33 cm. Small repairs and some chipping of the glaze. Provenance: - Collezione dei Principi Lanza di Scalea, Palermo. - Private collection, Rome. This highly dramatic scene depicts the climax of the Biblical Deluge. The left of the foreground features Noah's Ark with some desperate rejected people attempting to scale the side of the boat in the heart of the flood swallowing those remaining. For this scene, the painter obviously used a copper engraving attributed to Francesco Rosselli (Florence, 1448 -1513) from ca. 1470/90, presently in the British Museum. The main motif of this scene, i.e. the male figure dressed in a loincloth and scaling the Ark is probably the King of the Giants, Org, who apparently saved himself in this manner and was provided with food for months by Noah who took pity on him. For the most part, the painter of the 'albarello' adhered to the details of the copper engraving, and transferred them to the 'albarello'. (Martin Schawe, Sündflut, in: Aviso, Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Kultur in Bayern, 4/2013, pages 12-19). CHF 90 000.- / 120 000.- € 75 000.- / 100 000.-

Venduto per CHF 75 000

SILVER-GILT KOVSH,Moscow 1794. Inspector's mark Alexej Iwanow Wichljajew. With maker's mark. The inside with chased double-eagle and the depiction of a horseman. Cyrillic inscription which can be translated as "For Faith and Loyalty". Handle with the crowned monogram of Tsarina Catherine II. The opposite side of the handle, with a cast double-eagle. The walls engraved with six cartouches depicting the tsarina and referring to the recipient in 18th century Cyrillic script. Freely translated as: "For Ivan the Small/Boy as a thank you for his long service, 20 May 1794". Gilding, rubbed in some areas. L ca. 26.5 cm, 420g. Provenance: German private collection.

Moskau 1794. Beschaumeistermarke Alexej Iwanow Wichljajew. Mit Meistermarke.
Im Innern leichte Wölbung mit getriebenem Doppelkopfadler und einer Reiterdarstellung. Diese umfasst von einer kyrillischen Inschrift, die sich mit "Für Glaube und Treue" übersetzten lässt. Der Griff trägt das bekrönte Monogramm der Zarin Katharina II. Ein weiterer, gegossener Doppelkopfadler befindet sich auf der dem Griff gegenüberliegenden Seite. Auf der Wandung sind umlaufend sechs Kartuschen graviert. Sie zeigen das Bildnis der Zarin und verweisen in kyrillischer Schrift des 18. Jahrhunderts auf den Empfänger dieses Geschenkkovshs. Frei übersetzt: "Für Iwan den Kleinen/ Jungen anlässlich seines langen Dienstes, 20. Mai 1794". Vergoldung stellenweise berieben. L. ca. 26,5cm, 420g.
SILVER-GILT KOVSH,Moscow 1794. Inspector's mark Alexej Iwanow Wichljajew. With maker's mark. The inside with chased double-eagle and the depiction of a horseman. Cyrillic inscription which can be translated as "For Faith and Loyalty". Handle with the crowned monogram of Tsarina Catherine II. The opposite side of the handle, with a cast double-eagle. The walls engraved with six cartouches depicting the tsarina and referring to the recipient in 18th century Cyrillic script. Freely translated as: "For Ivan the Small/Boy as a thank you for his long service, 20 May 1794". Gilding, rubbed in some areas. L ca. 26.5 cm, 420g. Provenance: German private collection.
SILVER-GILT KOVSH,Moscow 1794. Inspector's mark Alexej Iwanow Wichljajew. With maker's mark. The inside with chased double-eagle and the depiction of a horseman. Cyrillic inscription which can be translated as "For Faith and Loyalty". Handle with the crowned monogram of Tsarina Catherine II. The opposite side of the handle, with a cast double-eagle. The walls engraved with six cartouches depicting the tsarina and referring to the recipient in 18th century Cyrillic script. Freely translated as: "For Ivan the Small/Boy as a thank you for his long service, 20 May 1794". Gilding, rubbed in some areas. L ca. 26.5 cm, 420g. Provenance: German private collection.

Venduto per CHF 60 000

RARE MODEL OF AN 'AUGUSTUS REX' GREAT CRESTED GREBE,Meissen, model by Johann Joachim Kändler, ca. 1734. Naturalistically modelled. Blue AR monogram on the unglazed base. H 48 cm. Restoration on both feet, beak and reed leaves, small chip on head feathers. Provenance: - From the Royal Collections, Friedrich August II. Elector of Saxony, King August III. (1696-1763), Dresden. - Gut Aabach, Risch am Zuger See.

Meissen, Modell Johann Joachim Kändler, um 1734.
Naturalistisch modelliert und staffiert, das Gefieder in Braunschattierungen und Lachsrosa und schwarz und gelb geringelten Füssen. Der mit seegrün-gelbem Schilf bewachsene Felsen staffiert in Braunschattierungen und Purpur. Blaues AR-Monogramm auf dem unglasierten Sockel. H 48 cm. Restaurierung an beiden Füssen, Schnabel und Schilfblättern, kleine Bestossung an Kopffedern.
RARE MODEL OF AN 'AUGUSTUS REX' GREAT CRESTED GREBE,Meissen, model by Johann Joachim Kändler, ca. 1734. Naturalistically modelled. Blue AR monogram on the unglazed base. H 48 cm. Restoration on both feet, beak and reed leaves, small chip on head feathers. Provenance: - From the Royal Collections, Friedrich August II. Elector of Saxony, King August III. (1696-1763), Dresden. - Gut Aabach, Risch am Zuger See.
RARE MODEL OF AN 'AUGUSTUS REX' GREAT CRESTED GREBE,Meissen, model by Johann Joachim Kändler, ca. 1734. Naturalistically modelled. Blue AR monogram on the unglazed base. H 48 cm. Restoration on both feet, beak and reed leaves, small chip on head feathers. Provenance: - From the Royal Collections, Friedrich August II. Elector of Saxony, King August III. (1696-1763), Dresden. - Gut Aabach, Risch am Zuger See.

Venduto per CHF 144 000