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Lot 293* - A189AS Asian Art: Himalaya, China - Tuesday, 04. June 2019, 10.00 AM


China, Beijing a) ca. 1793 b) 1789/90.
a) Rare print from a series of eight copper-plates commissioned by the Qianlong Emperor to commemorate the victory in 1792 of his campaign against the Gurkhas (Nepalese). b) Boat scene entitled "Capturing Alive Zhuang Datian" from a series of twelve copper-plates with detailed scenes from his campaign against Taiwan (1786-1788). The Chinese text in Qianlongs handwriting were later added by woodblock printing. (2)

This kind of Chinese prints were inspired by European battle prints, which had been brought to China by the Jesuits or sent as imperial gifts from European courts. In 1765 the Qianlong Emperor ordered prints commemorating his recent victories against the Zhungar troops. Drawings made by Jesuit court artists, including Giuseppe Castiglione, were sent to Paris to be engraved and printed in the royal workshop of Royal Engraver Monsieur Cochin Beauvais and then sent back to China, along with the plates and prints. Subsequently, Chinese artists were instructed to produce copper engravings of further Imperial victories, as the ones above.

銅版畫 乾隆皇帝征戰圖 二幅。

a) 平定廓爾喀戰圖。罕見的銅版版畫,是遵照清朝乾隆皇帝的旨令制作而成,以紀念1792年乾隆皇帝御駕親征廓爾喀(尼泊爾王國)的勝利。b) 生擒莊大田圖。此圖為“御題平定台灣戰圖十二幅”之一,描繪了當時台灣戰役(1786-1788)的場景,圖中中文文字為乾隆御筆題詞,木板複製印本。
此類中國版畫的靈感來自於歐洲戰爭版畫,版畫由當時供奉朝廷的歐洲傳教士帶到中國,作為歐洲宮廷送給清朝的禮物。1765年,遵照清朝乾隆皇帝的旨令制作而成的“平定廓爾喀戰圖”,主要插圖由當時供奉朝廷的歐洲傳教士藝術家繪製,包括義大利耶穌會郎世寧(Giuseppe Castiglione), 後送至法國皇家工作坊製版雕刻,再與銅版和版畫一起送回中國。爾後,中國藝術家也進一步制作征戰圖版畫,风格及做法,精巧程度如上所述。

CHF 7 000 / 9 000 | (€ 7 220 / 9 280)

Sold for CHF 8 750 (including buyer’s premium)
All information is subject to change.