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Dipinti antichi

venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00



Lotto 3001 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(1442 Florence 1497) Madonna and Child with John flanked by two seraphim. Stucco relief, painted. 68.5 x 46.5 cm. Expertise: Prof. G. Gentilini, 15. January 2007. This is one of a series of around 40 pieces which can be traced back to a model by Benedetto da Maiano circa 1485/90
Maria und Kind mit dem Johannesknaben umringt von zwei Seraphim.
Relief in Stuck, gefasst.
H 68,5 cm. B 46,5 cm.

CHF 40 000 / 50 000 | (€ 41 240 / 51 550)

Venduto per CHF 84 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3003 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Allgäu 1475/80–Innsbruck 1554) The Holy Family. Circa 1510. Oil on panel. 62.9 x 41 cm.
Die Heilige Familie. Um 1510.
Öl auf Holz.
62,9 x 41 cm.

CHF 25 000 / 45 000 | (€ 25 770 / 46 390)

Venduto per CHF 31 200 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3004 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


Two wings of a triptych, with the donors kneeling before Golgotha and the Resurrection. Oil on panel. 95.5 x 32.5 cm. With AIGS report, 2006.
Zwei Flügel eines Triptychons. Stifterin und Stifter kniend vor Golgotha und der Auferstehung.
Öl auf Holz.
95,5 x 32,5 cm.

CHF 25 000 / 35 000 | (€ 25 770 / 36 080)

Venduto per CHF 21 600 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3006* - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(1430 Venice 1516) The dispute between Poseidon and Athena. Oil on canvas (transferred from panel), fastened to a wooden panel. 148 x 178 cm. Provenance:–Guidi collection, Faenza.–Galerie Mietke, Vienna.–Art dealership Auspitz, Vienna.–Private collection Switzerland. Exhibited: Geneva, Musée d'art et d'histoire, Art Venetien en Suisse et au Liechtenstein, 1978, No 52. Literature:–Ludwig, G. / Molmenti, P.: Vittore Carpaccio, 1906, p. 289, ill. p. 28, as Lazzaro Bastiani.–Venturi, L.: Le origini della pittura veneziana, 1907, p. 282, as Carpaccio.–Fiocco, G.: Carpaccio, 1931, p. 57, and plate II, as Carpaccio.–Gogolari, G.: Pre'Sebastiana Bastiani, suo padre Lazzaro e il Carpaccio, in Rivista di Venezia, Vol. XI, 1932, p., 279–296, as Carpaccio.–Collobi, L.: Lazzaro Bastiani, in Critica d'Arte, Vol. XVII-XVIII, 1939, p. 33–35, 37, 42, 43, 49, No 50–52, as Carpaccio.–Fiocco, G., Carpaccio, 1942, p. 59, plate II, as Carpaccio.–Cancogni, M. / Perocco, G.: L'Opera completa del Carpaccio, 1967, p. 117, No 144, as Carpaccio.–Marle, R. van: The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, Vol. XVIII, 1970, p. 179, 182, as probably by Lazzaro Bastiani.–Natale, M.: Peintures et dessins venitiens, in Art Venitien en Suisse et au Liechtenstein, Geneva 1978, p. 93, No 52, as Venetian school.–Volpe, C.: Dipinti veneti nelle collezioni svizzere: una mostra a Zurigo e Ginevra, in Paragone, Vol. XXX, No 347, Jan 1979, p. 72–81, as attributed to Jacopo da Valenza.
Der Disput zwischen Poseidon und Athena.
Öl auf Leinwand (übertragen von Holz), auf einer Holzplatte befestigt.
148 x 178 cm.

CHF 120 000 / 180 000 | (€ 123 710 / 185 570)

Venduto per CHF 154 500 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3007 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Florence 1420–1497 Postoia) (1439 Florence 1507) Saint Lucia. Tempera on panel. 53.3 x 26.4 cm. Provenance:–Hegl collection, Worms.–Julius Bühler, Munich, 1926.–Private collection Switzerland.–Galerie Koller, Zurich, 22. March 2004, No 3006, with ill.–Swiss private collection, acquired at the above auction. Literature:–Berenson, B.: Italian Pictures of the Renaissance, London, 1963, vol. I, p. 192, ill, vol II, No 1005, attributed to Cosimo Rosselli
Die heilige Lucia.
Tempera auf Holz.
53,3 x 26,4 cm.

CHF 50 000 / 75 000 | (€ 51 550 / 77 320)

Venduto per CHF 69 600 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3008 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


Paradise. Oil on canvas. 88.6 x 112.5 cm.
Das Paradies.
Öl auf Leinwand.
88,6 x 112,5 cm.

CHF 8 000 / 12 000 | (€ 8 250 / 12 370)

Venduto per CHF 22 800 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3010 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(1589 Brescia 1554) Madonna and Child with John. Oil on canvas. 64.5 x 66 cm.
Maria und Kind mit dem Johannesknaben.
Öl auf Leinwand.
64,5 x 66 cm.

CHF 20 000 / 30 000 | (€ 20 620 / 30 930)

Venduto per CHF 24 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3011 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Venice 1527–1593) Madonna and Child. Oil on panel. Tondo. D: 71.3 cm. Provenance:–Galerie Sanct Lucas, Vienna, 1929.–Swiss private collection, acquired in 1929 at the above gallery.
Maria mit Kind.
Öl auf Holz.
Tondo. D: 71,3 cm.

CHF 50 000 / 70 000 | (€ 51 550 / 72 160)

Venduto per CHF 63 600 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3012 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Gent 1140–1482 Brussels) Adoration of the Kings. Oil on panel. 79 x 60 cm. Provenance :–de Fursac auction, Brussels, 14./15. December 1923, Lot 86.–P. Mersch, Paris, 1924.–Swiss private collection. Literature : Friedländer, M.J.: Early Netherlandish Painting, IV, Hugo van der Goes, 1969, p. 74, No 33, Plate 41.
Anbetung der Könige.
Öl auf Holz.
79 x 60 cm.

CHF 20 000 / 30 000 | (€ 20 620 / 30 930)

Venduto per CHF 24 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3013 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Aalst 1502–1550 Brussels) Madonna and Child. Oil on panel. 93 x 55 cm. Provenance: Swiss private collection.
Maria mit Kind.
Öl auf Holz.
93 x 55 cm.

CHF 60 000 / 80 000 | (€ 61 860 / 82 470)

Venduto per CHF 84 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3014 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(1580 Genoa 1651) Madonna and Child with John. Oil on canvas. 148 x 129 cm.
Maria mit dem Kind und dem Johannesknaben.
Öl auf Leinwand.
148 x 129 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 20 000 | (€ 15 460 / 20 620)

Venduto per CHF 21 600 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3015 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Deurne um 1488–1569 Brussels) (active in Antwerp, 1st half of the 16th century) The Holy Family before a broad landscape. Oil on panel. 100 x 84 cm. Provenance:–auction of Stuyck collection Brussels 1961, Lot 23, as Pieter Coecke van Aelst.–Belgian Private collection. Exhibited:–Brussels, 1955, "Charles-Quint et son Temps", Musée des Beaux-Arts, No 24, the landscape probably by Lucas Gassel.–Malines, 1958, "Margguerite d'Autriche et sa Cour", Hôtel de Ville, No 24.
Die Heilige Familie vor einer weiten Landschaft.
Öl auf Holz.
100 x 84 cm.

CHF 150 000 / 200 000 | (€ 154 640 / 206 190)

Venduto per CHF 160 250 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3016 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(circa 1510 Bassano del Grappa 1592) The return of the prodigal son. Oil on canvas. 83 x 120 cm.
Die Rückkehr des verlorenen Sohnes.
Öl auf Leinwand.
83 x 120 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 20 000 | (€ 15 460 / 20 620)

Venduto per CHF 20 400 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3017 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(1544 Venice 1628) Venus crowned by Cupid while satyrs and a nymph hand them fruits Oil on canvas. 141 x 201 cm. Provenance: Château de Vincy, West Switzerland.
Venus wird von Amor gekrönt während Satyrn und eine Nymphe ihr Früchte reichen.
Öl auf Leinwand.
141 x 201 cm.

CHF 70 000 / 100 000 | (€ 72 160 / 103 090)

Venduto per CHF 453 500 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3018* - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Antwerp 1546–1611 Prague) Allegory of the Triumph of the Habsburg Empire over the Turks. Oil on panel. 165 x 104 cm. Provenance: –probably from the gallery of Rudolph II. –probably brought to Sweden in 1648 as war booty. –Harry Wahlin, Stockholm.–Nils Rapp, Stockholm.–Christie's, London, 17. 07. 1981, Lot 46.–Acquired at the above by the current owner, private collection Germany. Exhibited: Münster, Stadtmuseum, Münster, Vienna and die Türken, 1983, No 54, with ill. Essen 1988, Prague circa 1600, Kunst und Kultur am Hofe Rudolfs II., No 163, with ill, as Bartholomäus Spranger. Prague, Prager Burg, Rudolph II and Prague, 1997, No 1.95, with ill. Regensburg, Bavaria, Germania, Europa, 2000, No 24.3.
Allegorie des Triumphes des Habsburgischen Reiches über die Türken.
Öl auf Holz.
165 x 104 cm.

CHF 220 000 / 300 000 | (€ 226 800 / 309 280)

Venduto per CHF 292 500 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3019 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00

Attributed to ANDREA SACCHI

(1599 Rome 1661) Saint Hieronymus. Oil on canvas. 116 x 89 cm. Provenance: Swiss Private collection
Der Heilige Hieronymus.
Öl auf Leinwand.
116 x 89 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 40 000 | (€ 30 930 / 41 240)

Venduto per CHF 57 600 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3020 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00

Attributed to ERASMUS QUELLINUS the Younger

(1607 Antwerp 1678) The flight of Cloelia with attendants over the Tiber. Oil on canvas. 204 x 223 cm. Provenance: –Galleria d' Arte Alfredo Gelardini, Rome. – Sotheby's, London, 17. 12. 1998, Lot 26, with ill, as Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert.–Château de Vincy, West Switzerland.
Die Flucht der Cloelia mit den Begleiterinnen über den Tieber.
Öl auf Leinwand.
204 x 223 cm.

CHF 60 000 / 90 000 | (€ 61 860 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 137 250 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3021* - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Jatiba circa 1590–1652 Naples)
Saint Paul. 1632.
Oil on canvas.
Signed and dated lower right: Juseppe de Ribera, espanol, F, 1632.
101 × 75 cm.

CHF 150 000 / 200 000 | (€ 154 640 / 206 190)

Venduto per CHF 522 500 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3022* - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(1612 Dordrecht 1652) Pair of works: Feast with freshly slaughtered meat before an inn–soldiers playing dice and a rider before a supply tent. Oil on oak panel. The feast scene with traces of a signature and date on the trough. D: each 67.5 cm (round).
Gegenstücke: Schlachtfest vor einem Wirtshaus - Würfelnde Soldaten und Reiter vor einem Marketenderzelt.
Öl auf Eichenholz.
Die Schlachtenszene trägt auf dem Trog Spuren der Signatur und Datierung.
D: je 67,5 cm (rund).

CHF 35 000 / 45 000 | (€ 36 080 / 46 390)

Venduto per CHF 57 600 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3023 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(circa 1610 Haarlem 1668) Children playing. Oil on panel. D: 28cm (round). Provenance: –The Rt. Hon. C.A.F. Cavendish-Bentinck, England (label verso). Dennis Weller will include the painting in the catalogue raisonné on Jan Miense Molenaer which is being prepared.
Spielende Kinder.
Öl auf Holz.
D: 28cm (rund).

CHF 40 000 / 60 000 | (€ 41 240 / 61 860)

Venduto per CHF 48 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3024* - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(Brussels 1564–1638 Antwerp)
The bird trap.
Oil on panel.
37 × 56 cm.

CHF 680 000 / 780 000 | (€ 701 030 / 804 120)

Venduto per CHF 1 615 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3025 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(1625 Leiden 1672) Scholar in his study. Oil on panel. Signed lower right: C V Plym. 81 x 61.6 cm.
Gelehrter im Studio.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten rechts signiert: C V Plym.
81 x 61,6 cm.

CHF 70 000 / 90 000 | (€ 72 160 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 102 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3026 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(circa 1625 Leiden after 1668) The good Samaritans. Oil on panel. Inscribed and illegibly dated lower right on a stone: Dou 16... 60.5 x 52.3 cm
Die guten Samariter.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten rechts auf einem Stein bezeichnet und unleserlich datiert: Dou 16...
60,5 x 52,3 cm

CHF 40 000 / 60 000 | (€ 41 240 / 61 860)

Venduto per CHF 66 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3028 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(before 1609 Antwerp before 1690) Southern Landscape with herdsmen on a path. Oil on canvas. 22 x 34 cm.
Südliche Landschaft mit Hirten auf einem Weg.
Öl auf Leinwand.
22 x 34 cm.

CHF 5 000 / 8 000 | (€ 5 150 / 8 250)

Venduto per CHF 24 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3029 - A140 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 marzo 2007, 15h00


(1619 Haarlem 1668) Saint Martin. 1652 Oil on panel. Monogrammed and dated lower right: P H (ligature) W 1652. 32.7 x 36 cm. Provenance:–D'Orvielle auction, Amsterdam, 15. 07. 1705, Lot 36.–Fischer auction, Lucerne, 21. 10. 1947, Lot 3070. Literature:–Duparc, F.J.: Philips Wouwerman 1619–1668, in: Oud Holland, Vol. 103, 1993, p. 271, ill. 20, as possibly by Pieter Wouwerman.–Hofstede de Groot, C.: A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters based on the work of John Smith, London 1909, Vol II, No 26 A.–Schumacher, B.: Philips Wouwerman (1619–1668). The Horse painter of the Golden Age, Davaco 2006, Vol I, p. 66 and Vol. II, ill. 13.
Heiliger Martin. 1652
Öl auf Holz.
Unten rechts monogrammiert und datiert: P H (ligiert) W 1652.
32,7 x 36 cm.

CHF 20 000 / 30 000 | (€ 20 620 / 30 930)

Venduto per CHF 78 000 (incl. premio)
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