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Dipinti antichi

venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00



Lotto 3001 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Lérida, circa 1420) The Apostle Andrew. Tempera and gold ground on panel. 125 x 76 cm.
Der Apostel Andreas.
Tempera und Goldgrund auf Holz.
125 x 76 cm.

CHF 35 000 / 50 000 | (€ 36 080 / 51 550)

Venduto per CHF 30 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3003 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00

Follower, probably after 1532, of JAN GOSSAERT

(Maubeuge 1478–1532 Antwerp) Christ on the cold stone. Oil on panel. Signed below on stone plinth: IOANNES MADBODIUS INVENIT. 24.5 x 18 cm. Provenance:–Private collection, Germany.–via inheritance to the current owner, private collection, Switzerland.
Christus auf dem kalten Stein.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten auf Steinplinthe signiert: IOANNES MADBODIUS INVENIT.
24,5 x 18 cm.

CHF 8 000 / 12 000 | (€ 8 250 / 12 370)

Venduto per CHF 10 800 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3004 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


Three panels of a former retablo with scenes from the legend of Jacob. Oil on panel. 78 x 36.2 cm / 77.8 x 36.5 cm / 77.3 x 36.3 cm. Our thanks to Ludwig Meyer of the Art History Archive for his expertise on the basis of a photograph.
Drei Tafeln eines ehemaligen Retabels mit Szenen aus der Jakobus-Legende.
Öl auf Holz.
78 x 36,2 cm / 77,8 x 36,5 cm / 77,3 x 36,3 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 40 000 | (€ 30 930 / 41 240)

Venduto per CHF 39 600 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3008 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(active Passau or Salzburg circa 1460/70) Altar wing painted on both sides: Saint Laurentius before Emperor Valerian / Female saint handing a poor man a shirt. Oil on panel. 73.5 x 47.5 cm. Expertise: Ludwig Meyer, Art History Archive, 21.7.2011
Beidseitig bemalter Flügel eines Altars: Der Hl. Laurentius vor Kaiser Valerian / Weibliche Heilige, die einem Armen ein Hemd reicht.
Öl auf Holz.
73,5 x 47,5 cm.

CHF 35 000 / 45 000 | (€ 36 080 / 46 390)

Venduto per CHF 282 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3009 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(circa 1510 Antwerp 1525) The Holy Family before a broad landscape. Oil on panel. 44 x 32 cm. Our thanks to Maryan W. Ainsworth and Dr. Larry Silver for their expertise on this panel on the basis of a photograph and for their independent confirmation of its authenticity.
Heilige Familie vor einer weiten Landschaft.
Öl auf Holz.
44 x 32 cm.

CHF 220 000 / 280 000 | (€ 226 800 / 288 660)

Venduto per CHF 312 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3012* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00

Follower, probably beginning of the 16th century, of JAN VAN EYCK

(Maaseyck circa 1390–1441 Bruges) Portrait of Christ. Oil on panel. 37.8 x 27.5 cm.
Bildnis Christi.
Öl auf Holz.
37,8 x 27,5 cm.

CHF 7 000 / 9 000 | (€ 7 220 / 9 280)

Venduto per CHF 14 400 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3014 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00

16th century follower of JOOS VAN CLEVE

(circa 1485 Antwerp 1540) Saint Hieronymus in his study. Oil on panel. Inscribed lower left on writing case: Marius van Roemerswaelen. 52.5 x 63 cm.
Heiliger Hieronymus in seinem Studierzimmer.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten links auf dem Schreibetui bezeichnet: Marius van Roemerswaelen.
52,5 x 63 cm.

CHF 8 000 / 12 000 | (€ 8 250 / 12 370)

Venduto per CHF 14 400 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3016 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Serinalta 1479–1528 Venice) Sacra Conversazione with the Madonna and Child, also patrons as Saint Joseph and Saint Catherine of Alexandria. Oil on panel. 68.5 x 99 cm. Provenance:–collection of Dr. Schwegler, Zurich.–Schneeberger art dealer, Bern.–Private collection, Switzerland
Sacra Conversazione mit Madonna und Kind sowie Auftraggeber als Heiliger Joseph und Heilige Katharina von Alexandrien.
Öl auf Holz.
68,5 x 99 cm.

CHF 10 000 / 15 000 | (€ 10 310 / 15 460)

Venduto per CHF 12 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3017 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(1540 Florence 1586) Mary with Christ and John. Oil on panel. 76 x 59.5 cm.
Maria mit Christus und Johannes.
Öl auf Holz.
76 x 59,5 cm.

CHF 12 000 / 18 000 | (€ 12 370 / 18 560)

Venduto per CHF 19 200 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3018* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00

Attributed to ANTONIS MOR

(Utrecht circa 1519–circa 1575 Antwerp) Portrait of a lady, probably Margarethe of Parma. Oil on panel 83.5 x 60.5 cm. Provenance: –Fischer auctions, Lucerne, 12.11.1974, Lot 2262.– Swiss private collection. –European private collection.
Bildnis einer Dame, wohl Margarethe von Parma.
Öl auf Holz
83,5 x 60,5 cm.

CHF 40 000 / 60 000 | (€ 41 240 / 61 860)

Venduto per CHF 43 200 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3020 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


Juno and Saturn or Allegory of vanity and transience. Oil on panel. Collector's number in red lower right: 147. Verso old inscription: XVIe siècle. 61 x 49.8 cm.
Juno und Saturn oder Allegorie der Eitelkeit und der Vergänglichkeit.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten rechts mit roter Sammlungsnummer: 147. Verso mit alter Bezeichnung: XVIe siècle.
61 x 49,8 cm.

CHF 18 000 / 25 000 | (€ 18 560 / 25 770)

Venduto per CHF 24 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3022* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(1599 Amsterdam c. 1663) Allegory of winter. Oil on panel. Signed lower left on label: J.W. STAP 84.5 x 59.5 cm. Provenance:–William Cavendish, 7. Duke of Devonshire (1808-1891).–Via inheritance to his grandson Lord Richard Cavendish (1871-1946), Hoker Hall, Lancashire, where the painting hung in the schoolroom.–Christie's, London, 12.12.1930, Lot 43.–Horsley collection.
Allegorie des Winters.
Öl auf Holz.
Auf dem Zettel unten links signiert: J.W. STAP
84,5 x 59,5 cm.

CHF 25 000 / 35 000 | (€ 25 770 / 36 080)

Venduto per CHF 28 800 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3025 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00

JAN BRUEGHEL the Younger

(1601 Antwerp 1678) Children of the Planet Saturn. Oil on canvas. Signed lower left: I. Breughel. fec. 78.9 x 98.7 cm. Expertise: Dr. Klaus Ertz, 11. May 1992.
Die Kinder des Planeten Saturn.
Öl auf Leinwand.
Unten links signiert: I. Breughel. fec.
78,9 x 98,7 cm.

CHF 70 000 / 90 000 | (€ 72 160 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 78 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3029 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Antwerp 1610–1690 Brussels) Man cleaning a pipe. Oil on panel. Signed lower right: D. TENIERS. F. 31 x 21.5 cm. Expertise: Dr. Margret Klinge, 16.7.2011. Provenance:–English private collection until 1869 (according to label verso).–H. Engel collection, Paris 1930s.–Swiss private collection.
Pfeife reinigender Mann.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten rechts signiert: D. TENIERS. F.
31 x 21,5 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 40 000 | (€ 30 930 / 41 240)

Venduto per CHF 40 800 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3030* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(1582 Antwerp 1649) Two men smoking and drinking before an open fire. Oil on canvas. Signed and barely legibly dated lower left: D. TENIERS. FEC. 34 x 28.8 cm. Expertise: Dr. Margret Klinge, 19.7.2011. Provenance:–Galerie Sedelmeyer, Paris.–Rud. Lepke auction, Berlin, 16.11.1897, Lot 51.–Michel collection, Mainz.–Rud. Lepke auction, Berlin, 27.2.1917, Lot 18, plate 11.–Important private collection, Germany. Exhibited: Aus der Gemäldesammlung der Familie Krupp, Villa Hügel, Essen, 30.4.- 31.10.1965.
Zwei Raucher und Trinker vor einem brennenden Kaminfeuer.
Öl auf Leinwand.
Unten links signiert und kaum leserlich datiert: D. TENIERS. FEC.
34 x 28,8 cm.

CHF 25 000 / 35 000 | (€ 25 770 / 36 080)

Venduto per CHF 32 400 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3031* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Alkmaar 1621–1675 Amsterdam) Waterfall. Oil on canvas. Signed centre right on the stone: Everdingen. 73.7 x 60.8 cm. Provenance:–A.W. Sjöstrand, Stockholm.–Lepke auction, Berlin, 21.3.1933, Lot 45.–Nijstad collection, The Hague.–J. van Duijvendijk collection, The Hague.–Paul Brandt auction, Amsterdam, 29.11.1960, Lot 17.–Katz collection, Dieren, 1962.–Brod collection, London.–Douwes art dealer, Amsterdam 1964.–Central Picture Galleries, New York, 1966.–European private collection. Alice Davies has confirmed the authenticity of this panting on the basis of a colour ektachrome and dates it to the late 1660s. The work is also registered at the RKD, The Hague, under number 107420.
Öl auf Leinwand.
Rechts mittig auf dem Stein signiert: Everdingen.
73,7 x 60,8 cm.

CHF 45 000 / 65 000 | (€ 46 390 / 67 010)

Venduto per CHF 48 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3033 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Nijmegen 1619–1678 Amsterdam) Forest still life with butterflies, snake, frog and dragon fly. Oil on canvas. Signed lower left: Otto Marseus. 69.3 x 53.5 cm. Provenance: Swiss private collection
Waldstilleben mit Schmetterlingen, Schlange, Frosch und Libelle.
Öl auf Leinwand.
Unten links signiert: Otto Marseus.
69,3 x 53,5 cm.

CHF 10 000 / 15 000 | (€ 10 310 / 15 460)

Venduto per CHF 38 400 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3038 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Dordrecht 1644–1727 Amsterdam) Still life in a niche with lemon, a façon de Venise wineglass, chestnuts, hazelnuts and a glass jug. Oil on panel. Signed lower right: Jacob Walscappelle f. 42.3 x 35 cm. Provenance: Swiss private collection.
Stilleben in einer Nische mit Zitrone, einem Façon de Venise-Weinglas, Kastanien, Haselnüssen und einem Glaskrug.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten rechts signiert: Jacob Walscappelle f.
42,3 x 35 cm.

CHF 75 000 / 90 000 | (€ 77 320 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 360 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3041* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(circa 1615 Utrecht 1652) Italianate landscape with a tower. Oil on canvas. Signed lower right: JBoth. 49 x 64.5 cm Provenance: private collection, Germany.
Italianisierte Landschaft mit einem Turm.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten rechts signiert: JBoth.
49 x 64,5 cm

CHF 30 000 / 40 000 | (€ 30 930 / 41 240)

Venduto per CHF 36 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3042 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00

JOOS DE MOMPER the Younger

(1564 Antwerp 1635) Rider before a broad landscape with waterfall. Oil on panel. Verso with city coat of arms of the Antwerp Lukas guild and the coat of arms of the panel makers. Possibly by Reynier Roybaert (active 1625-1626). 48.3 x 84.5 cm. Expertise: Dr. Walther Bernt, 30.3.1970. Provenance:–art dealer London.–David M. Koetser Gallery, Zurich.–Swiss private collection.–European private collection. Literature: Ertz, Klaus: Josse de Momper the younger, Freren 1986, p. 529, No. 220, with ill. Dr. Klaus Ertz dates this painting to the end of the 1620s.
Reiter vor einer weiten Landschaft mit Wasserfall.
Öl auf Holz.
Verso mit dem Stadtwappen der Antwerpener Lukas-Gilde und dem Wappen des Panelenmachers, möglicherweise von Reynier Roybaert (tätig 1625-1626).
48,3 x 84,5 cm.

CHF 70 000 / 90 000 | (€ 72 160 / 92 780)

Venduto per CHF 84 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3047* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Antwerp before 1614–1654 Hoboken) Marine with shipwrecked figures. Oil on panel. Monogrammed lower right: B.P. 24.5 x 33 cm.
Marine mit Schiffbrüchige.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten rechts monogrammiert: B.P.
24,5 x 33 cm.

CHF 6 000 / 8 000 | (€ 6 190 / 8 250)

Venduto per CHF 6 600 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3051 - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00

Circle of GERRIT DOU

(1613 Leiden before 1675) Woman with dog at a well. Oil on panel. 25.5 x 19 cm. Dendrochronological analysis by Prof. Peter Klein 18.6.2011, which suggests a date after 1657.
Frau mit Hund an einem Brunnen.
Öl auf Holz.
25,5 x 19 cm.

CHF 15 000 / 20 000 | (€ 15 460 / 20 620)

Venduto per CHF 18 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3052* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Delft 1601–1673 Amsterdam) Interior with a young girl and a gentleman accompanied by an older lady. Oil on panel. Signed lower left: A. Palamedes. 23.5 x 30.7 cm. Provenance:–Noortman, Maastricht.–private collection, The Netherlands.
Interieur mit einem jungen Mädchen und einem Herren, die von einer älteren Dame begleitet werden.
Öl auf Holz.
Unten links signiert: A. Palamedes.
23,5 x 30,7 cm.

CHF 25 000 / 35 000 | (€ 25 770 / 36 080)

Venduto per CHF 30 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3053* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Dordrecht 1669–1729 Amsterdam) Pair of works: Portraits of a boy and a girl. Oil on canvas. Each 28 x 24 cm. Provenance:–George Field collection.–Christie's, London, 10.6.1893, Lot 26.–collection of Theodore M. Davis, Newport, R.I.–as loan to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1915.–Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1915-1989.–private collection . Literature:–Allen, Josephine L./ Gardner, Elizabeth E.: A Concise Catalogue for the European Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1954, p. 38.–Sterling, Charles: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, a catalogue of French Paintings XV -XVIII Centuries, 1955, p. 100-101, with ill.–Baetjer, Katherine: European Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980, vol I, p. 62, ill. vol. II, p. 497.
Gegenstücke: Bildnisse von einem Jungen und einem Mädchen.
Öl auf Leinwand auf Holz.
Je 28 x 24 cm.

CHF 35 000 / 45 000 | (€ 36 080 / 46 390)

Venduto per CHF 26 400 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3057* - A158 Dipinti antichi - venerdì 23 settembre 2011, 15h00


(Leiden 1631–1695 Antwerp) Arrangement of hanging flowers with fruits on a blue ribbon. Oil on canvas. Signed lower right: C DE HEEM. 58 x 41 cm.
Hängendes Blumenarrangement mit Früchten an einer blauen Schleife.
Öl auf Leinwand.
Unten rechts signiert: C DE HEEM.
58 x 41 cm.

CHF 30 000 / 50 000 | (€ 30 930 / 51 550)

Venduto per CHF 36 000 (incl. premio)
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