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* 19.5.1888 Bottrop, † 25.5.1976 New Haven

The German-American painter, art theorist and educator Josef Albers was born on 19 March 1888 in Bottrop in North Rhine-Westphalia. After receiving an academic education in Berlin, Essen and Munich, Albers began studying at the Bauhaus in Weimar in 1920. In 1923, Walter Gropius put him in charge of the glass painting workshop and two years later he was appointed junior master. After the Bauhaus was closed by the National Socialists in 1933, he emigrated with his wife to the USA, where he taught art at the Black Mountain Institute in North Carolina until 1949. His students included Willem de Kooning, Robert Motherwell and Robert Rauschenberg. From 1936 onwards, Albers held numerous guest professorships around the world. In 1955 he took part in documenta I and in 1968 in documenta IV in Kassel. Experimentation with colour played a secondary role in his early work. Only when he moved to the United States did he devote more time to the question of colour, as well as to geometric forms and the relationships between them. Alber's famous colour theory ‘The Interaction of Color’, one of his main works, published in 1963, is one of the most important artist books of the 20th century. His artistic oeuvre, which reached its peak with the series ‘Homage to the Square’, was recognised with numerous awards. He was awarded an honorary doctorate a total of 14 times. Both as a teacher and as an artist, Albers was a groundbreaking figure within American painting. His influence on various artistic directions including Op Art, New Abstraction and Color Field Painting was considerable.

Josef Albers died in New Haven in 1976.


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Lotto 3428 - Z34 Postwar e contemporary art - sabato 22 giugno 2013, 16h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Homage to the Square: Inquiry. 1960-62.
Öl auf Masonitplatte.
Unten rechts monogrammiert und datiert: A60-62. Zudem verso betitelt, beschrieben, signiert und datiert.
60,5 x 60,5 cm.

CHF 120 000 / 180 000 | (€ 123 710 / 185 570)

Venduto per CHF 168 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3646 - A207 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 30 novembre 2023, 11h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Portfolio with 12 colour screenprints, title, imprint and 6 texts by Josef Albers. 36/36. Each signed in pencil lower right: Albers, also titled and numbered lower left: GRAY INSTRUMENTATION Ia-Il. Also numbered in the imprint: 36/36. With the stamp on the reverse: COPYRIGHT JOSEF ALBERS 1974 JA + number. Image 28 × 28 cm on wove paper by Arches 88 48.2 × 48.2 cm. Title, texts and imprint on Japan paper. Published and printed by Tyler Workshop, New York (with the blindstamp). With separate folder. In original box and original slipcase. Complete.

CHF 30 000 / 40 000 | (€ 30 930 / 41 240)

Venduto per CHF 75 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3648 - A207 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 30 novembre 2023, 11h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Formulation : Articulation. 1972.
Portfolio with 127 colour screenprints (divided in 2 volumes), title, table of content and statement of content. 199/1000. Signed in felt-tip pen in the imprint: Josef Albers, also each with the blindstamp of the monogram: A. Recto on the double sheet with the printed artist's name and title: JOSEF ALBERS FORMULATION : ARTICULATION. With the numbering on the reverse: PORTFOLIO I... - FOLDER 1... (number handwritten) and the copyright: © COPYRIGHT 1972 BY HARRY N. ABRAMS, INC. AND IVES-SILLMANN-INC. Varying image sizes on wove paper by Mohawk Superfine Bristol 38 × 50.5 cm (double sheet). Published by Harry N. Abrams and Ives-Sillman, New York. Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven.

CHF 15 000 / 20 000 | (€ 15 460 / 20 620)

Venduto per CHF 17 500 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3644 - A207 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 30 novembre 2023, 11h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Six Variants. 1969.
Portfolio with 6 colour screenprints and title. 55/150. Signed and dated in pencil lower right: Albers 1969. Also titled and numbered lower left: I-S Va I-VI. Varying image sizes on wove paper by Arches 71 × 91 cm. Published by Ives-Sillman, New Haven (with the blindstamp). Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven. In original paper folder with title. No original box. Complete.

CHF 5 000 / 7 000 | (€ 5 150 / 7 220)

Venduto per CHF 10 625 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3645 - A207 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 30 novembre 2023, 11h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Ten Variants. 1967.
Portfolio with 10 colour screenprints, title and text by Josef Albers. 83/200 and additionally numbered on the reverse of the title: 83/300. Each monogrammed and titled in pencil lower right: A '66, also titled and numbered lower left: Variant I - X. Varying image sizes on wove paper by BFK Rives 43.3 × 43.3 cm, in double sheets with numbering. Published by Ives-Sillmann, New Haven (with the blindstamp). Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven. In original box and original slipcase. Complete.

CHF 6 000 / 8 000 | (€ 6 190 / 8 250)

Venduto per CHF 7 500 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3645 - A197 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 luglio 2021, 13h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Homage to the Square. 1970.
Colour screeprint. 87/125. Monogrammed and dated in pencil lower right: A'70, as well as inscribed lower left: EK Ii. Image 35 × 34,8 cm on wove paper by Hahnemühle (with the watermark) 55 × 54,8 cm. Published by Josef Keller Verlag, Starnberg. Printed by Herbert Geier, Ingolstadt. Sheet 9 from the 10-part portfolio "Homage to the Square".

CHF 4 000 / 6 000 | (€ 4 120 / 6 190)

Venduto per CHF 7 500 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3671 - A183 Stampe e multipli - sabato 09 dicembre 2017, 10h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Homage to the square: Edition Keller I h. 1970.
Colour screenprint. 107/125. Monogramed and dated in pencil lower right: A70, also titled lower left: EK I h. Image 35 x 35 cm on vélin by Hahnemühle (with the watermark) 55 x 55 cm. Published by Josef Keller Verlag, Starnberg. Printed by Herbert Geiger, Ingolstadt. From the 10-part portfolio. Professionally restored.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Venduto per CHF 6 875 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3660 - A205 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 22 giugno 2023, 10h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
SP-V. 1967.
Colour screenprint. 47/125. Monogrammed and dated in pencil lower right: A '67. Image 49.9 × 49.9 cm on Schöllers hammer board 61.4 × 61.4 cm. Published by Galerie der Spiegel, Cologne. Printed by Edition Domberger, Stuttgart. Sheet 5 from the 12-part portfolio "SP (Hommage to the Square)".

CHF 3 000 / 4 000 | (€ 3 090 / 4 120)

Venduto per CHF 6 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3651 - A203 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 01 dicembre 2022, 10h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Silent. 1965.
Colour screenprint. 41/120. Signed and dated in pencil lower right: Albers 65, as well as titled in pencil lower left: Silent. Image 28 × 28 cm on wove paper by Mohawk Superfine Bristol 31 × 31 cm. Published by Ives-Sillman, New York, for "Das Kunstwerk", Agis Verlag, Baden-Baden. Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven. Sheet 2 from the 5-part portfolio "Die Oberfläche".

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Venduto per CHF 6 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3676 - A209 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 20 giugno 2024, 10h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
KG. 1966.
Serigraph in colours. 297/350. Monogrammed and dated in pencil in the lower right: A '66. Image 28 × 28,1 cm on wove paper by Mohawk Superfine Bristol 43.2 × 43.2 cm. Published by Ives-Sillman, New Haven, for Kestner Gesellschaft, Hanover. Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven.

CHF 1 200 / 1 800 | (€ 1 240 / 1 860)

Venduto per CHF 4 125 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3675 - A209 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 20 giugno 2024, 10h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
I-S LXX a. 1970.
Colour screenprint. 106/125. Monogrammed and dated in pencil lower right: A '70. Also titled and numbered lower left: I-S LXXa. Image 30.5 × 30.5 cm on wove paper by German Etching 53.5 × 53.5 cm. Published by Ives-Sillman, New Haven (with the blindstamp). Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven.

CHF 1 800 / 2 600 | (€ 1 860 / 2 680)

Venduto per CHF 4 000 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3666 - Z37 Stampe e multipli - sabato 06 dicembre 2014, 13h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
SP VI. 1966/67.
Farbserigrafie. 66/125. Unten rechts mit dem Künstlersignet und datiert: A67, sowie unten links betitelt: SP-VI. Darstellung 49,5 x 49,5 cm auf Karton von Schöllers Hammer 61,5 x 61,5 cm. Erschienen und gedruckt bei Edition Domberger, Stuttgart, für Galerie der Spiegel, Köln. Blatt 6 aus dem 12-teiligen Album SP.

CHF 1 500 / 2 000 | (€ 1 550 / 2 060)

Venduto per CHF 3 840 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3642 - A207 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 30 novembre 2023, 11h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
I-S d. 1969.
Colour screenprint. 89/125. Monogrammed and dated in pencil lower right: A '69. Also titled and numbered lower left: I-S d. Image 35 × 35 cm on wove paper by German Etching 53.3 × 53.3 cm. Published by Ives-Sillman, New Haven (with the blindstamp). Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven.

CHF 3 000 / 5 000 | (€ 3 090 / 5 150)

Venduto per CHF 3 750 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3678 - A187 Stampe e multipli - sabato 08 dicembre 2018, 10h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
I - S. 1970.
Colour screenprint. 92/125. Monogrammed and dated in pencil lower right: A '70, also titled lower left: I-S f. Image 35 x 35 cm on thin cardboard 54.5 x 54.5 cm. Published by Ives-Sillmann, New Haven (with the blindstamp). Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New York.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Venduto per CHF 3 500 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3677 - A209 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 20 giugno 2024, 10h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
I-S e. 1970.
Colour screenprint. 42/125. Monogrammed and dated in pencil lower right: A '70. Also titled and numbered lower left: I-S e. Image 35 × 35 cm on wove paper by German Etching 54 × 54 cm. Published by Ives-Sillman, New Haven (with the blindstamp). Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven.

CHF 1 800 / 2 600 | (€ 1 860 / 2 680)

Venduto per CHF 3 250 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3658 - A205 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 22 giugno 2023, 10h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Hommage au carré. 1964.
Colour screenprint. From the edition of 125. Monogrammed and dated in pencil lower right: A 64. Image 28 × 28 cm on wove paper by J. Perrugot Special MBM 48.4 × 38.4 cm (double sheet). Published and printed by Editions Denise René, Paris. Sheet 1 from the 12-part eponymous portfolio.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Venduto per CHF 3 250 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3411 - Z24 Stampe e multipli - venerdì 20 giugno 2008, 11h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Komposition. 1967.
Serigraphie 20/70. Unten rechts monogrammiert und datiert: A '67. Darstellung 49 x 49 cm auf festem Kunstdruckpapier 65 x 50 cm. Unten links Blindprägestempel des Verlegers Edition Domberger, Stuttgart. Schöner Zustand.

CHF 2 200 / 3 500 | (€ 2 270 / 3 610)

Venduto per CHF 3 120 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3670 - A183 Stampe e multipli - sabato 09 dicembre 2017, 10h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Allegro. 1961.
Colour screenprint. 247/300. Signed and dated in pencil lower right: Albers '61, also titled in pencil lower left: Allegro. Image 22.9 x 22.9 cm on thin cardboard by Mohauk Superfine Bristol 40 x 40 cm. Published by Ives-Sillman, New Haven. Printed by R. H. Norton, New Haven.

CHF 500 / 600 | (€ 520 / 620)

Venduto per CHF 2 750 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3660 - Z41 Stampe e multipli - sabato 03 dicembre 2016, 15h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Interaction of colour.
Portfolio with 81 colour screenprints or colour offsets, 2 text books and the imprint. From an edition of 1000. Varying image sizes on thin cardboard 33 x 25.5 cm (double sheets). Published by Josef Keller Verlag, Starnberg (for the German edition). Printed by Herbert Geier, Ingolstadt (screenprints) and Courier Druckhaus, Ingolstadt (book and offset). In original box in original case in white faux leather. Complete.

CHF 1 500 / 2 500 | (€ 1 550 / 2 580)

Venduto per CHF 2 250 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3674* - Z34 Stampe e multipli - sabato 22 giugno 2013, 14h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Chry soprase. 1965.
Farbserigrafie 17/120. Unten rechts signiert und datiert: Josef Albers '65, sowie unten links betitelt: Chry soprase. Darstellung 28 x 28 cm auf Vélin 31 x 31 cm. Erschienen bei Ives-Sillmann, New Haven. Gedruckt bei Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven. Aus dem 7-teiligen Portfolio "Die Oberfläche".

CHF 600 / 700 | (€ 620 / 720)

Venduto per CHF 2 160 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3659 - A205 Stampe e multipli - giovedì 22 giugno 2023, 10h00


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
KG 1966.
Colour screenprint. 52/350. Monogrammed and dated in pencil lower right: A 66. Image 28 × 28.2 cm on wove paper by Mohawk Superfine Bristol 43.2 × 43.2 cm. Published by Ives-Sillman, New Haven. Printed by Sirocco Screenprints, New Haven.

CHF 1 500 / 2 000 | (€ 1 550 / 2 060)

Venduto per CHF 2 125 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 3401 - Z23 Stampe e multipli - venerdì 07 dicembre 2007, 13h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Komposition. 1943.
Serigraphie, unten links bezeichnet: Day and night trial proof. Unten rechts siniert und datiert: Albers 1943. Darstellung 40 x 40 cm. Gerahmt.

CHF 1 500 / 2 200 | (€ 1 550 / 2 270)

Venduto per CHF 1 800 (incl. premio)
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Lotto 184* - A204 Libri e autografi - mercoledì 29 marzo 2023, 13h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
Interaction of Colours. 1963/73.
Portfolio with 81 folded colour screenprints and two accompanying booklets and the imprint. From the edition of 1000. Signed in the impressum: J.albers. Varying image sizes on wove paper 33 × 25.5 cm. Published by Josef Keller Verlag, Starnberg. Printed by Herbert Geier and Courier Druckhaus, Ingolstadt. In original folder (37.5 × 27 × 13.7 cm). Complete.

CHF 1 400 / 1 800 | (€ 1 440 / 1 860)

Venduto per CHF 1 750 (incl. premio)
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Dettagli Il mio catalogo Richieste di informazioni

Lotto 3757* - A187 Stampe e multipli - sabato 08 dicembre 2018, 10h30


(Bottrop 1888–1976 New Haven)
SP. 1967.
Colour screenprint. From an unknown edition. Unsigned. Image 30 x 30 cm on wove paper 36 x 30 cm. Published and printed by Edition Domberger, Filderstadt (verso with the lable). From the "Domberger Kalender".

CHF 100 / 200 | (€ 100 / 210)

Venduto per CHF 188 (incl. premio)
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