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* 15.12.1928 Vienna, † 19.2.2000 Queensland

Born in 1928 in Vienna as Friedrich Stowasser, even at school Friedensreich Hundertwasser was acknowledged to have an outstanding sense of form and colour. His talent and passion were recognised and fostered early on until the rise of the National Socialists overshadowed everything. Although she was Jewish herself, his mother had Friedrich baptised a Catholic in 1935, and after the annexation of Austria, Hundertwasser joined the Hitler youth. Unlike his grandmother and 69 of his relatives, Hundertwasser and his mother survived the Nazi terror, so that he was able to complete his final examinations in 1948 and became a student at the Viennese Academy of Fine Art, which he left, however, after three months. At this time, in 1949, he took on the name of Hundertwasser, by apparently germanising the first syllable “Sto” (Slavic for “hundred”). In the 1950s Hundertwasser lived in Paris and engaged with the avant-garde of the time in the discourse between geometric and expressive abstraction, Informel and the burgeoning Nouveau Réalisme. In response to this, he formulated his own vision, “Transautomatism”, which was not only a new development in art, but also a new perception that required a viewer who was active, responsible, and involved.

The vegetative-organic principle of nature is as much a leitmotif of Hundertwasser’s creative work as the artistic influences of Egon Schiele, Paul Klee or the Viennese school of Fantastic Realism, which provided the foundation of his early work. In addition, his experiences while travelling to Italy, Paris, Morocco, Tunisia, Sicily, Japan, and New Zealand influenced him and he developed a colour-intensive abstract painting style. The beauty and harmony of his paintings has often earned him more criticism than appreciation.

Friedensreich Hundertwasser died 2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane.

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Lot 3724* - A193 PostWar & Contemporary - Saturday 04 July 2020, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Der gelbe Platz - Flugplatz. 1958.
Watercolour with varnish between layers on wrapping paper, primed with chalk (sheet folded in the middle).
Signed, dated and inscribed centre left: HUNDERTWASSER 1959 AM 26. MAI 1981 AUSGEBESSERT DUNKELBUNT REGENTAG.
98.5 × 64 cm.

CHF 120 000 / 180 000 | (€ 123 710 / 185 570)

Sold for CHF 195 500 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3084 - Z18 Impressionist & Modern Art - Friday 24 June 2005, 03.30 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elisabeth 2)
Der Dalai Lama dringt in den indischen Dschungel ein. 1959.
Öl, Tempera, Wasserfarben und Zinkweiss auf Papier, auf Leinwand montiert.
Unten rechts signiert: Für Carl/Laszlo/Hundertwasser.
73x60 cm.

CHF 90 000 / 140 000 | (€ 92 780 / 144 330)

Sold for CHF 153 200 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3634* - Z24 PostWar & Contemporary - Monday 30 June 2008, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Le jardin dans l'auréole (Der Garten im Heiligenschein). 1956.
Öl, Tempera und Wasserfarben auf Papier fest auf Leinwand montiert.
Unten rechts zweifach signiert und datiert: Hundertwasser 1956. Verso auf der Leinwand mit dem Namenszug, der Datierung und dem Titel, zudem mit der Nummer 280.
37 x 49 cm.

CHF 80 000 / 120 000 | (€ 82 470 / 123 710)

Sold for CHF 102 000 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3652 - A201 Prints & Multiples - Thursday 30 June 2022, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elisabeth 2)
Look at it on a rainy day. 1971/1972.
Portfolio with 10 colour screenprints, partly with lacquer varnish, metal imprints, blind grit, glass dust layer and phosphorescent pigments. 1423/3000. Sheet 3 signed and numbered in ink: 143/300 Hundertwasser Regentag, all other sheets with the embossed signature: Hundertwasser Regentag. Furthermore signed and numbered with charcol on the inside of the wooden box: Hundertwasser 1423. Further with blindstamps of the image, blindstamps of Schöller Stern, Japanese blindstamps, description of the colour seperations with numbers resp. colour seperation points. Varying images sizes on different papers 49.5 × 67 cm (sheet 5 47.5 × 67 cm). Published by Ars Viva, Zurich (with the blindstamp). Printed by Dietz Offizin, Lengmoos (with the blindstamp). In original wooden box with the embossed table of content on the inside. Complete.

CHF 6 000 / 8 000 | (€ 6 190 / 8 250)

Sold for CHF 14 940 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3688 - A181 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 01 July 2017, 04.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Look at it on a rainy day (Regentag portfolio). 1971.
Portfolio with 10 colour screenprins with metal imprint, partly with lacquer varnish or glowing dust. 2077/3000. Each with the printed signature lower right: Hundertwasser Regentag, also titled, dated and inscribed in the screen: Die Häuser hängen unter den Wiesen 699 1971 Paris. Varying sizes on vélin 49 x 67 cm. In the lower margin with round and square colour extracts and Japanese stamps. Signed in the inside of the case: Hundertwasser, also with the imprinted table of content and 7 blindstamps by the printer and publisher. Size of the wooden case 55 x 73 x 4 cm. Published by Ars Viva, Zurich. Printed by Dietz Offizin, Lengmoos. In original wooden case (three works framed). Complete.

CHF 6 000 / 8 000 | (€ 6 190 / 8 250)

Sold for CHF 13 700 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3280 - Z19 Prints & Multiples - Wednesday 07 December 2005, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Yellow last will. 1971.
Serigraphie auf Silberfolie auf Hardplatte montiert 130/475. Unten rechts signiert und datiert: Hundertwasser 24. Mai 1971 in Lengmoos. 52x73,5 cm.

CHF 7 000 / 10 000 | (€ 7 220 / 10 310)

Sold for CHF 10 710 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3279 - Z19 Prints & Multiples - Wednesday 07 December 2005, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Bärnbacher Andacht. Im Schnee. 1987/88.
Farbradierung 228/380. Unten Mitte signiert und datiert: Hundertwasser 29. November 1987. Platte 18x29,5 cm auf Vélin 40x47 cm. Sehr schöner, einwandfreier Zustand. Gerahmt.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Sold for CHF 10 115 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3478 - Z24 Prints & Multiples - Friday 20 June 2008, 11.00 AM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Irinaland über dem Balkan. 1971/1972.
Blatt 7 aus dem Portfolio "Regentag". Serigraphie und Metallprägung Nr. 70/300. Dazu nummeriert 697/ 3000. Unten Mitte handsigniert: Hundertwasser Regentag. Darstellung 41,5 x 58,8 cm auf Kunstdruckpapier 49,0 x 67,0 cm. Sehr schöner Zustand. Gerahmt.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Sold for CHF 9 600 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3472 - Z23 Prints & Multiples - Friday 07 December 2007, 01.30 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Die Japanischen Holzschnitte von Hundertwasser. 1977 / 1979.
Bibliophiles Werkverzeichnis in Buchform. Exemplar Nr. 158 / 999. Im Impressum nummeriert, handsigniert und datiert: 158 / 999 Hundertwasser 1979 Wien. Dazu farbiger Holzschnitt, nummeriert 158 / 999, dazu handsigniert: Hundertwasser. Titel des Holzschnittes: Insel der verlorenen Wünsche. Druckstock 18 x 15 cm auf Japan 22,5 x 18,5 cm. Roter Ink-Stempel. In Originalkassette aus Holz. 25,5 x 22,5 cm. Einwandfreier Zustand.

CHF 3 500 / 5 000 | (€ 3 610 / 5 150)

Sold for CHF 8 640 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3477 - Z24 Prints & Multiples - Friday 20 June 2008, 11.00 AM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Green Power. 1972.
Serigraphie und Mixed-Media 161/249. Unten rechts signiert: Friedensreich Regentag. Darstellung 76 x 54,2 cm auf Kunstdruckpapier 83,5 x 63,5 cm. Schöner Zustand. Gerahmt.

CHF 4 200 / 5 500 | (€ 4 330 / 5 670)

Sold for CHF 8 400 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3654 - A187 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 08 December 2018, 10.30 AM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Look on it on a rainy day. 1971/1972.
Portfolio with 10 colour screeprints with metall embossing, party with lacquer varnish, the list of content and the wooden box. 2151/3000. Sheet 1 signed, titled and numbered in ink lower centre: Hundertwasser Regentag 216/300. Each with printed signature lower right: Hundertwasser Regentag, also titled and dated in the screen. Varying sizes on firm wove paper 49.5 x 67 cm. In the lower margin with round and square colour points and Japanese stamps. In the box signed and numbered: Hundertwasser 2151, also with the embossed table of content and 7 imprint stamps of the printer and editor. Size of the box 55 x 73 x 4 cm. Published by Ars Viva, Zurich. Printed by Dietz Offizin, Lengmoos. With original wooden box (each work individually framed). Complete.

CHF 6 000 / 8 000 | (€ 6 190 / 8 250)

Sold for CHF 7 625 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3473 - Z23 Prints & Multiples - Friday 07 December 2007, 01.30 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
One of five seamen, il marinaio. 1975.
Serigraphie in 18 Farben und 2 Metallprägungen. Probedruck LIX / LXXXVII. Unten links signiert: Hundertwasser. Dazu datiert: Wien, 7. Jänner 1976. Mit handschriftlicher Farbangabe am linken Bildrand: Bianco or Argento. Unten rechts zwei japanische Rotstempel. Darstellung randabfallend 90 x 60 cm. Gerahmt.

CHF 4 700 / 6 000 | (€ 4 850 / 6 190)

Sold for CHF 7 200 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3686 - Z36 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 28 June 2014, 01.30 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Spirale mit Neufferköpfen - Grasbewachsene Sonne im Grab. 1962.
Radierung. 38/50. Unterhalb der Darstellung signiert: Hundert-wasser. Darstellung 14 x 19 cm auf Vélin 28 x 38 cm. Unten mittig mit 2 roten japanischen Stempeln. Erschienen bei Enrico Magaglio de Micheli, Paris. Gedruckt bei G. Leblanc, Paris. Käufe D

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Sold for CHF 6 720 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3670 - A189 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 29 June 2019, 10.00 AM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
2 bis 13 schwimmende Fenster. 1979.
Japanese colour woodcut. 184/200. Signed, dated and with locaction in ink lower left: Friedensreich Regentag 21. Dezember 1979 Wien. Also with 4 Japanese Ikan stamps, at the left side margin with Japanese writing, furthermore with colour extracts at the right margin and the catalogue raisonné number: 764A. Image 42.1 x 57 on wove paper 37 x 51.7 cm. Published by Gruener Janura AG, Glarus. Printed by T. Matsuoka Surishi and Uchida Kogei Kobo, Kioto. After the painting with the same name, dating 1976 (work number 764).

CHF 3 000 / 4 000 | (€ 3 090 / 4 120)

Sold for CHF 6 875 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3743 - Z35 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 07 December 2013, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Friedensvertrag mit der Natur. 1987.
Japanischer Farbholzschnitt. 42/200. Unten links signiert, datiert und bezeichnet: Hundertwasser 847A Vienna 12 May 1987. Darstellung 47,5 x 39 cm auf Vélin 75 x 42 cm. Am Unterrand mit 6 japanischen Stempeln sowie mit quadratischen und runden Farbauszugspunkten. Erschienen bei Galerie de l'Etoile. Gedruckt von Akio Shimizu, Kyoto, geschnitten von Tatsuo Kawashima, Kyoto. Blatt 2 aus dem 6-teiligen Portfolio "Joy of Man".

CHF 3 000 / 4 000 | (€ 3 090 / 4 120)

Sold for CHF 6 600 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3745 - Z35 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 07 December 2013, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Das Fensterrecht. 1986.
Japanischer Farbholzschnitt. 42/200. Unten links signiert, bezeichnet und datiert: Hundertwasser 846A Vienna July 1987. Darstellung 50,5 x 38,5 cm auf Vélin 57 x 42,3 cm. Unten rechts mit 6 japanischen Stempeln sowie mit quadratischen Farbauszugspunkten. Erschienen bei Galerie de l'Etoile. Gedruckt von Akio Shimizu, Kyoto, geschnitten von Tatsuo Kawashima, Kyoto. Blatt 1 aus dem 6-teiligen Portfolio "Joy of Man".

CHF 3 000 / 4 000 | (€ 3 090 / 4 120)

Sold for CHF 6 600 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3440 - Z26 Prints & Multiples - Friday 19 June 2009, 10.30 AM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Lithographie, Serigraphie und Metallfolienprägung 57 / 247. Unten rechts signiert und datiert: Hundertwasser 7.2.1981. Darstellung randabfallend 56 x 76 cm auf Bütten. Farbvariante Bart grün, Kragen blau. Sehr schöner Zustand. Gerahmt.

CHF 3 500 / 5 000 | (€ 3 610 / 5 150)

Sold for CHF 6 600 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3404 - Z20 Prints & Multiples - Friday 23 June 2006, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
La Barca - Regentag. 1969.
Serigraphie und Metallfolienprägung D 130/251. Unten rechts signiert und bezeichnet: Hundertwasser 683 Ca'Vallesina. 67x42,5 auf Vélin 76x56 cm. Sehr schöner Zustand. Gerahmt.

CHF 2 200 / 3 000 | (€ 2 270 / 3 090)

Sold for CHF 6 545 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3669* - A189 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 29 June 2019, 10.00 AM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Wasserende am Dach. 1987.
Japanese colour woodcut. 164/200. Signed and dated in ink lower right: Hundertwasser Vienna 19 avril 1987. With square and rectangular colour points and Japanese stamps as well as Japanese letters. Image 52 x 38.5 cm on japan paper 57 x 42 cm. Published by Gruener Janura AG, Glarus. Printed by Akio Shimizo, Kyoto. After the painting "Das Ende der Wasser" dating 1979.

CHF 2 800 / 3 800 | (€ 2 890 / 3 920)

Sold for CHF 6 250 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3744 - Z35 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 07 December 2013, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Recht auf Träume. 1987.
Japanischer Farbholzschnitt. 42/200. Unten links signiert, datiert und bezeichnet: 851A Hundertwasser Vienna 16 Juli 1987. Darstellung 53 x 39,5 cm auf Vélin 75 x 42,5 cm. Am Unterrand mit 5 japanischen Stempeln sowie mit quadratischen Farbauszugspunkten. Erschienen bei Galerie de l'Etoile. Gedruckt von Akio Shimizu, Kyoto, geschnitten von Tatsuo Kawashima, Kyoto. Blatt 6 aus dem 6-teiligen Portfolio "Joy of Man".

CHF 3 000 / 4 000 | (€ 3 090 / 4 120)

Sold for CHF 6 000 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3405 - Z20 Prints & Multiples - Friday 23 June 2006, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Regentropfenzähler. 1980.
Mixed Media (Lithographie, Serigraphie und Metallprägung) 16/247. Unten rechts signiert und datiert: Hundertwasser 7. Februar 1981. Farben minimst verblasst. Erste von drei Farbvarianten (Bart grün, Kragen blau). 56x76 cm. Gerahmt.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Sold for CHF 5 950 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3403 - Z20 Prints & Multiples - Friday 23 June 2006, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Gib acht wenn Du über die Prärie gehst. 1976.
Radierung und Aquatinta 204/214. Unten in der Mitte signiert und datiert: Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Platten 29,8x39,8 cm auf Bütten 47x50 cm. Gerahmt.

CHF 5 000 / 7 000 | (€ 5 150 / 7 220)

Sold for CHF 5 474 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3651 - A187 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 08 December 2018, 10.30 AM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Die Araberin. 1955.
Colour lithograph. Epreuve d'artiste, artist's proof outside the edition of 100. Signed, dated and dedicated in coloured pen lower left: Hundertwasser Zürich 1955 an Bruno Gerosa. Image 50.5 x 39.8 cm on wove paper by Arches (with the watermark) 56.8 x 40.7 cm. Published and printed by Arta, Zurich. Faded.

CHF 2 000 / 2 500 | (€ 2 060 / 2 580)

Sold for CHF 5 375 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3651 - A201 Prints & Multiples - Thursday 30 June 2022, 02.00 PM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elisabeth 2)
Do not wait houses - move. 1989.
Japanese colour woodcut. 228/499. Signed, inscribed, dated and with location in ink lower right: Hundertwasser 557B 24 Nov 89 Vienna. With three red Ikan stamps also with Japanese letters and colour extracts. Image 50.5 × 37 cm on wove paper 57 × 42 cm. Published by Gruener Janura, Glarus. Printed and cut by Uchida Moto Han, Kyoto.

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Sold for CHF 5 000 (including buyer’s premium)
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Lot 3799 - A195 Prints & Multiples - Saturday 05 December 2020, 10.00 AM


(Vienna 1928–2000 aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 off Brisbane)
Wartende Häuser. 1969.
Japanese colour woodcut. 195/200. Signed, dated and with archive number in ink lower centre: Friedensreich Hundertwasser 1969 637A, also with Japanese writing lower right. Image 30 × 39.5 cm on wove paper 32 × 42 cm. Published by Gruener Janura, Glarus. Cutted and printed by Nakamura Jr., Tokyo. From the 7-part portfolio "Nana Hyaku Mizu".

CHF 2 000 / 3 000 | (€ 2 060 / 3 090)

Sold for CHF 5 000 (including buyer’s premium)
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